Samia to visit the Vatican in February

Samia pic

President Samia Suluhu Hassan

What you need to know:

  • The scheduled two-day state visit follows an invitation extended by Pope Francis, Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation minister January Makamba told a news conference in Dar es Salaam on Sunday.

Dar es Salaam. President Samia Suluhu Hassan is expected to visit the Vatican on February 11 and 12.

The scheduled two-day state visit follows an invitation extended by Pope Francis, Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation minister January Makamba told a news conference in Dar es Salaam on Sunday.

The Head of State is also expected to visit Indonesia from January 24 to 26 and Norway on February 13 and 14.

Mr Makamba said the visits, apart from enhancing diplomatic relations, were also expected to strengthen bilateral ties between Tanzania and the host countries.

President Hassan will be accompanied by five representatives from the Catholic Church in Tanzania during her visit to the Vatican.

"In 2016, the late President John Magufuli invited Pope Francis to Tanzania. Unfortunately, the pontiff was unable to come due to health reasons. However, he has reciprocated by inviting Tanzania’s sitting Head of State, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan,” Mr Makamba said.

He added that President Hassan and Pope Francis were expected to discuss various issues, including bolstering diplomatic ties between the two states well as strengthening Tanzania’s education sector.

Several agreements will be signed during President Hassan’s visit to Indonesia, which will also see her attend a business forum to be attended by members of the two countries’ business communities.

“The Head of State will be accompanied to Indonesia by a delegation of at least 100 businesspeople. She will also meet with members of Indonesia’s association of women chief executive officers,” Mr Makamba said.

President Hassan’s visit to Norway will be the first by a Tanzanian president since Mr Jakaya Kikwete toured the Nordic country in 2015.

Mr Makamba said Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu Guozhong will visit Tanzania from January 22 to 24; Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa will be on a tour of the country from January 23 to 25 before Polish President Andrzej Duda visits on February 8 and 9.