Samia urges bishops to preach about the environment

President Samia Suluhu Hassan speaking during a past event. PHOTO | COURTESY

Dar es Salaam. President Samia Suluhu Hassan has called upon religious leaders to spread the word on environmental protection and conservation to their congregations.

She said this message is important because now more than ever, the impacts of environmental crisis such as deforestation are visible and affects the livelihood of people.

President Samia said was speaking at opening ceremony of the 20th Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in East Africa (AMECEA) Plenary Assembly organized by Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC).

“We have now experienced temperatures in levels that have never been before, the flooding and also increase of sea levels which has in part been facilitated by human activities,” she said.

“So I would urge you to use your positions as religious leaders to tell the people about the significance of protecting the environment,”

The President later quoted the religious verses which insists on protecting natural resources which was given free by God .

The AMECEA  is a planned meeting  that includes Catholic Bishops in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Malawi, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.

According to the head of TEC Archbishop Gervas Nyaisonga this year theme is discussing the environmental impact for integral development to show the church’s support on environmental movement.