Songwe aims to nearly quadruple coffee production

What you need to know:

  • The target is to raise production from 11,355 tonnes to 32,617 tonnes within the next three years.

Songwe. Songwe Region is setting an ambitious goal to increase coffee production by 187.2 percent by 2025.

This significant leap aims to elevate the region from second place to a potential leader in Tanzania’s Arabica coffee production.

Ileje District Commissioner, Ms Farida Mgomi, representing Regional Commissioner Daniel Chongolo, outlined the plan during a training session for 681 coffee farmers.

The target is to raise production from 11,355 tonnes to 32,617 tonnes within the next three years.

“Our strategy goes beyond quantity,” Ms Mgomi emphasised.

“We also aim to improve coffee quality from 35 percent to 70 percent.”

The initiative acknowledges challenges faced by farmers, including diseases, climate change, and limited equipment.

To address these, the government plans to distribute 30 million high-quality seedlings and strengthen cooperative societies. Sustainable Growers Rwanda (SGR), who organised the training, focuses on empowering women in Mbozi District.

“We aim to increase efficiency for farmers, particularly women, to achieve economic uplifting at both family and community levels,” stated Ms Christine Condo, SGR Executive Director.

Recognising the impact of recent droughts, the Tanzanian Coffee Board (TCB) will contribute by digging 10 irrigation wells to support year-round coffee production.

“Stay focused on coffee farming,” TCB Director General Mr Primus Kimaryo encouraged the participants. “Let’s see a significant increase when we meet again,” he said.