Suspected serial rapist caught in police dragnet

What you need to know:

The police boss said, they managed to arrest the suspect after he kidnapped four young girls between December 25, 2016 and January 1, 2017.

Geita. Police here have arrested a suspected serial rapist who was reportedly involved in kidnapping and raping twenty girls from Arusha, Morogoro, Mwanza and Geita regions.

Geita regional police commander Mponjoli Mwabulambo said, the suspect (name withheld), who was seized by police officers on Tuesday, managed to escape from the police in several regions where he had allegedly kidnapped and raped young girls.

The police boss said that they managed to arrest the suspect after he kidnapped four young girls between December 25, 2016 and January 1, 2017.

According to him, the suspect was found hiding inside a cave he had dug for himself inside Lukilini forest in Geita Region where he transported and hid the abducted girls.

“The suspect was living in underground. He was hiding there with the girls and raped them,” he said.

The regional police chief informed that when the police raided the cave, they found one girl inside.

He said that apart from abusing the girls, the suspect demanded a ransom from the parents of the kidnapped four girls so that he could release them.

“The police managed to set a trap and posed as parents of the kidnapped girls who wanted to pay the ransom,” he said.

He said that police tracked the mobile phone of the suspected rapist and managed to arrest.