Tanzania calls for global action to empower young entrepreneurs


From right Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Tanzania, Chen Mingjian, Deputy Minister, Prime Minister’s Office (Labour, Youth,Employment and Persons with Disability, Patrobas Katambi and Minister Counsellor of the People’s Republic of China in Tanzania, Suo Peng displaying an album symbolising 60 years of friendship between China and Tanzania.PHOTO | CHINESE EMBASSY

What you need to know:

  • Katambi emphasises the importance of shifting the focus from job seeking to job creation among young people.

Dar es Salaam. Tanzania - Tanzania's government is urging regional and international organizations, including the United Nations and the private sector, to prioritise initiatives that empower young entrepreneurs.

The call to action comes amid a significant youth population in Tanzania.

According to the 2022 Population and Housing Census, youth between 15 and 35 years old represent a staggering 34.5 percent of the total population (approximately 21.3 million people). This demographic faces the most significant unemployment challenges compared to other age groups.

At the official opening of the China-Tanzania Youth Dialogue on June 5, 2024, Mr Patrobas Katambi, Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (Labour, Youth, and Employment & Persons with Disabilities), emphasised the government's commitment to empowering youth across social, economic, cultural, technological, and political spheres.

"I urge all attendees of this summit to advocate to their respective governments to create an environment conducive to young people," Mr Katambi stated.

"The world's rapidly growing youth population holds immense potential to be a transformative force for good, but only if we invest and make the right decisions now."

Shifting mindsets: From job seekers to job creators

The Deputy Minister stressed the critical need to shift mindsets. He highlighted the importance of encouraging young people to become job creators rather than solely focusing on traditional formal sector employment for income and stability.

Ms Chen Mingjian, the Chinese Ambassador to Tanzania, echoed the theme of youth empowerment. 

She emphasised the vital role young people play in sustaining the strong bond between China and Tanzania.

Ambassador Chen highlighted the historic friendship between the two nations, forged by their founding fathers and nurtured through shared pursuits of development and national liberation.

She commended young Chinese professionals working for companies like Huawei and CCECC in Tanzania, who dedicate themselves to the country's development while fostering connections with local communities.

"It brings me great joy to witness the baton of China-Tanzania's traditional friendship being passed to you, the youth," Ambassador Chen remarked. 

"I have full confidence that young people from both China and Tanzania will carry forward this legacy, contribute to national progress and rejuvenation, and work tirelessly to achieve their dreams in service to their respective nations."

60th anniversary and educational exchange

Ambassador Chen also noted the significance of the Dialogue, taking place in the year marking the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Tanzania.

She highlighted China's commitment to fostering youth exchange, mentioning that 160 Tanzanian students received scholarships to study in China in 2023. 

Additionally, she pointed to the increasing number of Chinese universities offering Kiswahili language programmes.