Tanzania Parliament loses second legislator in 10 days

Dodoma. Sumve Member of Parliament Richard Ndassa has died in the early hours of today April 29 in Dodoma after a short illness it has been announced by the Speaker of Parliament Job Ndugai has confirmed.
The cause of Ndassa death who was 61 is yet to be revealed, it was also not immediately confirmed whether he died in hospital or at his hotel room in Dodoma.
However, the hotel where the fallen MP was reportedly residing was by today evening being disinfected by medical personnel and no one was being allowed into the facility.
According to the Speaker, Parliament is in consultation with his family and government over his burial which is expected to take place tomorrow, April 30.
He said Parliament will do all that is in its powers to make sure the legislator is buried in Sumve, a constituency that he has represented since 1995 on the CCM ticket.
Ndassa’s death comes 10 days after the ruling party CCM lost another MP Reverend Gartrude Rwakatare who died in Dar es Salaam.
On Saturday April 25, former Mafia MP Abdul Karim Shah who served between 2005 and 2010 also died in Dare Salaam after a short illness and he was buried the following day.