Tanzanian pastor defiles, impregnates teenage girl

Dar es Salaam. Apart from preparing sermons, preaching and interpreting biblical scriptures, pastors have a noble task of providing care and counseling to church members and helping them in their hour of need.

However, Pastor Shauri Steven of the Evangelical Assemblies of God Tanzania (EAGT) at Mtamba, Kisarawe, decided to give himself extra responsibilities when he failed to resist the allure of the beauty of a Standard Six girl.

In a scenario that could pass as ‘shepherd eats lamb’, police in Pwani Region are holding Pastor Shauri Steven for interrogations of defiling and impregnating the pupil.

Available data show that one in every three girl child fails to proceed with their education due to pregnancy or child marriages in Tanzania.

The Kisarawe District Commissioner, Ms Jokate Mwegelo, told Mwananchi on Tuesday, that district authorities and the police have collected information that Pastor Steven tricked the unsuspecting girl that he would pray for her while his intention was to have carnal knowledge of the minor.

“Her teacher, Justine Mrutu realized that the girl was pregnant on December 12, 2019,” said Ms Mwegelo, insisting that the pastor will be arraigned soon.