Tanzanian tycoon Subhash Patel dies

What you need to know:

  • No details about the cause of his death and other funeral arrangements have so far been issued.

Dar es Salaam. Tanzanian tycoon Subhash Patel has passed on, private sector apex body confirmed on Tuesday.

Patel was the chairman of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) and board member of the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) which is the umbrella body of the private sector.

“We are deeply saddened by the news of Mr Subhash Patel’s passing on. The late Mr Patel was TPSF Board Director, Chairman of CTI and a prominent leader within Tanzania and East Africa’s business community. May the Almighty God rest his soul in eternal peace. Amen.” TPSF wrote on its official twitter page (@tpsftz) on Tuesday.

No details about the cause of his death and other funeral arrangements have so far been issued.

Subhash Patel was the founder and managing director of Motisun Group which is a multimillion-dollar business that straddles the Tanzanian manufacturing sector.

“Patel left us when we needed him the most as we strive to strengthen the private sector as the engine of the economy and prosperity,” stated the private sector body.

Patel started his entrepreneurial life as a shopkeeper in his father’s shop and later on as a trader selling spices.

He gradually moved into the automobile business and later into manufacturing.

Since then, Subhash has gone on to build a business empire ranging from manufacturing of steel sheeting and pipes, rubber, paint and fizzy drinks.

The group of companies also runs one of the finest hotel and resort chains in Tanzania under the Sea Cliff and White Sands brand names.