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Treasury Registrar scrutinises public entities’ 2025/26 budgets

The Assistant Director for Management of Non-Commercial Public Entities at OTR, Mr Joseph Mwaisemba. PHOTO | FILE

What you need to know:

  • The government has invested Sh83.4 trillion in 252 public institutions and agencies, a testament to its commitment to strengthening key sectors and ensuring accessible services to the public

Kibaha. A team of 53 experts from the Office of the Treasury Registrar (OTR) has commenced a crucial two-week exercise to scrutinise the budgets and plans of public entities for the 2025/26 financial year, beginning today, Monday.

This vital process, involving 252 public entities, is taking place at the Mwalimu Nyerere Leadership School in Kibaha, Pwani Region.

The Assistant Director for Management of Non-Commercial Public Entities at OTR, Mr Joseph Mwaisemba, said the budget review process was central to ensuring public funds were used efficiently.

He noted that this scrutiny process is mandated by the Treasury Registrar Act, Chapter 370, and the Budget Act, Chapter 439.

“The analysis of these plans and budgets is integral to approving strategies and annual plans for these entities, ensuring that they align with the National Development Plan,” said Mr Mwaisemba.

“This will contribute to better control of public expenditure and improve overall efficiency.”

This initiative, he said, would enhance the role of the private sector in driving investment and job creation, providing equal opportunities for all.

By adhering to these guidelines, the government expects to improve food security, enhance access to essential services, and boost non-tax revenue collection.

The government has invested Sh83.4 trillion in 252 public institutions and agencies, a testament to its commitment to strengthening key sectors and ensuring accessible services to the public.

The scrutiny process is designed to ensure that this investment delivers the maximum return, both financially and in terms of improved governance and service delivery.

The process will also address the efficient allocation of resources, reducing unnecessary expenditures and ensuring funds are directed towards areas that will spur economic growth.

Public entities are being evaluated on criteria including financial management, human resources, governance, customer service, and their capacity to execute core functions.

“The successful implementation of this exercise will result in increased returns on public investments and more efficient service provision, leading to more jobs and better infrastructure,” Mr Mwaisemba explained.

He also highlighted the importance of close collaboration between the board chairpersons, management, and staff of the public entities.

“We need to work together to ensure these entities contribute meaningfully to national development,” he stressed, particularly as the government aims to reduce dependency on external development partners.

This review is not just about scrutinising budgets but also about ensuring that public entities align their plans with national development goals, particularly the National Development Vision 2025, the Third National Five-Year Development Plan for 2021/22 – 2025/26, and the 2020 CCM Election Manifesto.

Key priorities include ensuring entities focus on plan priorities, adhering to directives for budget preparation, and meeting performance criteria for financial management and service delivery.

The government’s focus on improving governance, enhancing resource allocation, and promoting sustainable economic growth through the efficient management of public entities is expected to bring tangible benefits for both the government and the public.