Tulia Ackson Mwansasu elected Speaker of Tanzania's Parliament

Speaker of the 12th National Assembly, Dr Tulia Ackson Mwansasu. PHOTO | EDWIN MJWAHUZI
What you need to know:
- She will be the second woman in Tanzania to serve the highest position in Tanzania's National Assembly; with the first woman being Anne Makinda who also served as Member of Parliament for Njombe.
Dar es Salaam. The 12th Parliament has endorsed Mbeya Urban MP, Dr Tulia Ackson Mwansasu as Speaker of the 12th National Assembly with 100 percent of all votes cast.
Tulia now becomes the Speaker of the National Assembly, succeeding Job Ndugai who resigned on January 6, 2022.
Dr Tulia who previously served as the Deputy Speaker garnered all 376 votes casted.
She will be the second woman in Tanzania to serve the highest position in Tanzania's National Assembly; with the first woman being Anne Makinda who also served as Member of Parliament for Njombe.
Parliament Chairman, William Lukuvi announced Dr Tulia Ackson Mwansasu of the ruling party Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) the winner beating the other eight contenders.
Other aspirants who vied for the postion were Abdullah Mohamed Said (NRA), Aivan Maganza (TLP), Daivd Mwaijojele (CCK) and Georges Busungu (ADA-TADEA).
The list also included Kunje Ngombale Mwiru (SAU), Maimuma Said Kassim (ADC), Ndonge Said Ndonge (AAFP) and Saidoun Abraham Khatibu (DP).
Speaking shortly after her Election, Tulia thanked CCM for putting their trust in her but also to the lawmakers who casted their votes.
She insisted that the 12th Parliament will focus on making laws, advise and supervise the government.
Dr Tulia also pledged to restore public respect for the legislature as an independent pillar of the State and ensuring it fulfills its constitutional watchdog role over government performance.
Her predecessor, Mr Ndugai was absent during the election.
The 2020 to 2025 Parliament is made up of 393 sitting MPs out of whom, 362 are from CCM and 31 other MPs representing Chadema, Civic United Front and ACT-Wazalendo opposition parties.