What does Sh128 billion digital learning initiative mean to Tanzanian learners

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa (center) presses the button to officially launch the Airtel SMARTWASOMI initiative during a launch ceremony held on the climax of the National education, skills, and innovation week in Tanga. Looking on is Airtel Tanzania’s Managing Director, Dinesh Balsingh. PHOTO | COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • Dubbed Airtel SmartWASOMI, the initiative targets the most vulnerable children in over 3,000 secondary schools across Tanzania

Tanga. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has said that digital learning is the fastest way to improve learning outcomes and equip children for the future.

Mr Majaliwa was speaking in Tanga on Friday, May 31, 2024, during the climax of the National Educational, Skills, and Innovation Week.

The event went concurrently with the launch of a five-year initiative to accelerate the adoption of digital education across the country by integrating public secondary schools with Airtel's high-speed internet routers.

Dubbed Airtel SmartWASOMI, the initiative targets the most vulnerable children in over 3,000 secondary schools across Tanzania through free access to digital learning platforms and ensures that children reach their full potential.

The initiative, established in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) as capacity-building partners, has successfully initiated its pilot phase by reaching 50 secondary schools in Zanzibar, Dodoma, and Mbeya and providing them with Airtel’s high-speed routers.

The project has also accomplished training for over 2,000 teachers, therefore directly benefiting upwards of 55,000 students.

Speaking at the event, Mr Majaliwa said the initiative's implementation will support the government’s efforts to nurture digital literacy and provide a solution to the challenge of teacher shortages in secondary schools.

“This is exceptional work because this kind of creativity aims to positively impact society. Through this project, teachers will be connected to online libraries for cost-free access to all teaching and learning materials,” he said.

Education, Science, and Technology Minister, Adolf Mkenda said Airtel SMARTWASOMI will not only bridge the digital divide but also pave the way for a brighter future for students.

“This initiative will set a new standard in educational excellence as it will undoubtedly enhance the quality of education and empower our youth to thrive in this digital world. We are proud to support this endeavour and look forward to witnessing the positive impact it will have on Tanzania’s educational landscape,” he said.

Airtel Tanzania managing director Dinesh Balsingh, reflected on the company's longstanding commitment to digital education, dating back to 2015 with the launch of VSOMO in partnership with the Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA).

“This was a mobile platform that facilitated beneficiaries to have access to VETA courses without the necessity of physically attending classrooms,” he said.

He said that collaboration with DTBi in launching a digital lab underscores its dedication to enhancing Information Communication Technology (ICT) capabilities among entrepreneurs, enabling them to efficiently manage their businesses in the digital era.

“We have estimated that we will spend about Sh128 billion in the next five years for the implementation of the initiative. Our vision is to ensure we invest in technology for sustainability and advancement of the present and future generations by making every Tanzanian learner have full access to education materials,” he said.

Mr Balsingh said their goal was to digitalize 3,000 schools across Tanzania in the next five years, starting with 1,000 schools this year and thereafter connecting secondary schools with 1,200 GB per year for students and teachers to be able to read through zero-rated TIE online libraries.

Tanzania will now join Kenya and Nigeria in third place among 13 countries on the continent where Airtel Africa has commenced efforts towards digital learning, he noted.

“This flagship project aims to connect one million children across Africa to opportunities in the education sector for five years to provide an opportunity for disadvantaged children in rural and distant areas,” he said.

Airtel Africa’s Group CEO, Sunil Taldar, said Airtel SMARTWASOMI highlights the company’s deep commitment to bridging the digital divide and empowering Africa's future generations.

The Unicef Country Representative, Elke Wisch, said data show that millions of children in Africa are challenged by the lack of access to quality learning materials caused by the scarcity.