Zanzibar’s first Vice President Maalim Seif hospitalised after claims of testing positive for Covid-19

What you need to know:
Earlier in the day, a statement issued by the ACT-Wazalendo party Secretary-General Ado Shaibu, said the veteran politician and his aides have been admitted at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Zanzibar since Friday.
Dar es Salaam. Zanzibar’s first Vice President and ACT Wazalendo’s national chairman Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad has opened up over his being hospitalized after he reportedly tested positive of Covid-19.
“It is true I am at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital where I am being treated of Covid-19 and my wife has been isolated at home,” said Maalim Seif in an SMS.
And, with that admission, Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad becomes the first person to declare his Covid-19 status in Tanzania since April 29, 2020.
However, despite his admission authorities in Zanzibar including the acting Health minister, Said Mohammed Simai said he was not aware of the Maalim Seif being hopsitalised.
On the other hand Health Minister Dr Dorothy Gwajima and government spokesperson Dr Hassan Abbasi were all not reachable.
Earlier in the day, a statement issued by the ACT-Wazalendo party Secretary-General Ado Shaibu, said the veteran politician and his aides have been admitted at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Zanzibar since Friday.
“Therefore, since Friday evening, Maalim Seif was admitted at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, Unguja, Zanzibar, where he remains under close medical supervision. We would like to take this opportunity to inform the public that Maalim Seif and his wife are progressing well. His family has been in communication with him,” reads the statement.
The communiqué further adds: "ACT Wazalendo we ask our party members, Zanzibaris and all Tanzanians in general to pray for Maalim Seif during this period in which he has been admitted to recover quickly to continuewith his duties. We also reiterate our call for all Tanzanians to take steps to protect themselves against this disease".