Kili Marathon 2024 officially launched in Dar es Salaam

The Acting Tanzania Tourist Board Director General,  Stephen Mpeka (centre) cuts the ribbon during the official launch of the Kilimanjaro Premium Lager International Marathon 2024 at Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam. Others from left are the TBL Group Managing Director, Jose Moran, Athletics Tanzania General Secretary Jackson Ndaweka, Tigo Corporate Communications Manager, Woinde Shisael and the National Sports Council Sports Development Officer, Charles Maguzu.

Dar es Salaam. The 22nd edition of the prestigious Kilimanjaro Premium Lager International Marathon 2024 was officially launched in Dar es Salaam at the Serena Hotel on Saturday.

The event, which is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 25, 2024 at the Moshi Cooperative University (MoCU), is expected to attract over 12,000 participants from more than 56 countries.

Speaking during the colourful event, the Tanzania Tourist Board CEO, Damasi Mfugale, who was the guest of honor, and was represented by Mr. Stephen Mpeka, lauded the event for the strides it has made so far especially for its contribution in promoting sports tourism.

“We are proud of the Kilimanjaro Premium Lager Marathon as it has proved to be one of the biggest international events in the region as it brings together over 12,000 participants and an equal number of spectators from more than 56 countries and all these are potential tourists. This is such a big milestone,” said Mr Mfugale.

He said it is high time that The Tanzanian Tourism Board forged tighter relations with Kilimanjaro Premium Lager International Marathon to explore more ways of promoting sports tourism as it is clear that the event is a big platform and has a huge following in and out of the country.

“We supported the Kili Marathon in previous years but it is now time to come in with new and better ideas in order to increase the number of tourists who originate from the marathon. We will advertise our attractions adequately through this huge event to ensure we reach as many people as possible in and out of the country,” he said.

He said the Kilimanjaro Premium Lager Marathon has added an enormous contribution to sports tourism and this has greatly helped the government in implementing the tourism and sports policies respectively.

“I congratulate all the sponsors led by Kilimanjaro Premium Lager (main sponsor) and Tigo -21km Half Maratho for your enormouscontribution. I cannot also forget the water table sponsors Simba Cement, Kilimanjaro Water and TPC Sugar. Official partners –KiliMedair, Garda World Security, CMC Automobiles, Sal Salinero Hotel and official suppliers – Kibo Palace Hotel and Keys Hotel. Without you it would not be easy,” he said as he also called on Tanzanians to prepare for the international event to ensure most of the prizes remain home.

The CEO also appealed to participants and spectators to use the Marathon season to tour various tourism attractions among them including the great Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Zanzibar and other attractions. This is not just for international tourists, we also have packages for local tourists.

On his part, the Tanzania Breweries Limited Managing Director, Jose Moran said they were proud to through Kilimanjaro Premium Lager, sponsor the event for the past 22 years, making it one of the longest sponsorships in Tanzania adding that they haveall these years been inspired by the support for tourism and Tanzanian culture as a whole - which the event helps promote.

The MD said they have set aside Tsh 28 million in prize money with the top winners in both the male and female category walking home with Tsh5 million each.

He called on participants to register on time as registration is already available online and via TigoPesa.

The Tigo Corporate Communications Manager, Woinde Shisael, whose company sponsors the 21 Km Half Marathon said, “As part of our commitment to promote sports tourism in Tanzania and nurture athlete talents, we are thrilled to announce that Tigo will be the proud sponsor of the Tigo Kili Half International Marathon 2024 for the 9th year consecutively.

She said their innovative and simplified marathon registration and payment platform is open for all race categories, runners can dial *150*01#, then press 5 LKS, then press 5 (Ticket) and follow instructions to finalize registration.”

Organizers of the event called on participants to take advantage of Early Bird entry fee from the 16th October till midnight on the 14th December after which entry fees increase in all categories and all nationalities from the 15th December until midnight on the 5th February 2024 or until they are sold out – whichever is earliest as there is limited space.  Entries are guaranteed on a first come, first serve basis. 

The organizers also said that the event will next year also be supporting the Tumaini la Maisha (TLM) charity that aims to reach every child in Tanzania whodevelops cancer, and treat them with high quality cancer treatment free of charge with the hope for a continued and healthy life adding that the event will set aside 5% from every entry paid for and it will go towards the charity.

Through the various Fund Raising efforts by a number of runners and individual donations made when entering online, the 2023 Kili Marathon raised almostTsh 11million and this money was donated to The Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre [KCMC] in Moshi, to support the Children Cancer Ward.“KCMC is an important partner to the marathon due to its medical support at the event and the finish area each year and the support on route as the runners pass by the hospital on race day,” said the organisers.

The Kilimanjaro Premium Lager International Marathon is organized by the Kilimanjaro Marathon Company Limited and locally coordinated by Executive Solutions Limited.