Yanga place 30th Mainland Tanzania trophy at Mount Kilimanjaro Summit to celebrate victory

What you need to know:

  • This symbolic act of placing the trophy at Mount Kilimanjaro not only celebrates Yanga's success but also serves as a statement of their pride and resilience.

Dar es Salaam. The Mainland Premier League champions, Young Africans (Yanga), have added a remarkable chapter to their history by placing their 30th championship trophy at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, which stands at approximately 5,895 meters.

This achievement not only highlights their victory but also aims to promote sports tourism in Tanzania.

Yanga clinched first place in the league with an impressive 80 points. Their star player, Stephane Aziz Ki, secured the top scorer award by netting 21 goals during the season.

The club's latest triumph is a testament to their dominance in Tanzanian football, and the placement of the trophy at one of the world's highest peaks symbolizes their towering achievement.

The journey to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro was led by the team’s Information Officer, Ally Kamwe.

The expedition was not only a celebration of Yanga's 30th title but also an effort to showcase Tanzania's potential for sports tourism.

The NBC trophy was given special treatment, being placed on a dedicated seat on an Air Tanzania plane from Dar es Salaam to Kilimanjaro and back.

Upon arriving at Kilimanjaro International Airport, the team embarked on their climb.

The route began at Marangu, passing through Horombo Hut at approximately 3,720 metres above sea level, then through Kibo Hut at around 4,720 metres, and finally reaching Gilman’s Point before making their way to the summit.

Kamwe expressed the significance of this feat, stressing the meaningful nature of their accomplishment.

“We have placed something valuable on the highest mountain, unlike the senseless things that were previously taken to Mount Kilimanjaro by other team. Our trophy is meaningful, and everybody knows that.

We want to show the world that when the season was about to start, there was all this noise and nonsense being put here, and now we, the champions, have come to place our treasure here,” said Kamwe.

This symbolic act of placing the trophy at Mount Kilimanjaro not only celebrates Yanga's success but also serves as a statement of their pride and resilience.

The journey to the summit reflects the hard work and dedication that led to their victory, reinforcing the club's status as giants in Tanzanian football.

Yanga’s innovative celebration have captured the attention of fans and the general public, highlighting the club's commitment to excellence both on and off the field.

By combining their victory celebration with a promotion of Tanzania’s natural beauty, Yanga have set a new standard for commemorating sports achievements in a meaningful and impactful way.