Yanga's trio face uncertain future as contracts nearing end

Combined photos of Yanga players from left: Mahlatse "Skudu" Makudubela, Augustine Okrah and Zawadi Mauya. PHOTO | COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • With their contracts set to expire, the fate of the players lies in the hands of the team's head coach, Miguel Gamondi, who himself is on a one-year contract.

Dar es Salaam. As the 2023-2024 season draws to a close, Young Africans (Yanga) Sports Club find themselves at a crossroads regarding the future of their three players, Augustine Okrah, Zawadi Mauya, and Mahlatse "Skudu" Makudubela.

With their contracts set to expire, the fate of the players lies in the hands of the team's head coach, Miguel Gamondi, who himself is on a one-year contract.

While Metacha Mnata has already been axed from the squad, the future of Okrah, Mauya, and Skudu remains uncertain due to both technical consideration and squad dynamics.

Okrah: A glimpse of brilliance amid struggles

Augustine Okrah, who joined Yanga from Ghana’s Bechem United, had a mixed season.

His initial performance won the hearts of Yanga fans, especially his effective combination with Joseph Guede during the CRDB Federation Cup matches.

However, Okrah struggled to secure a consistent spot in the starting lineup due to intense competition for the left and right flanks.

Players like Maxi Nzengeli, Kennedy Musonda, Pacome Zouzoua, Farid Mussa, and occasionally Clement Mzize have been preferred options for Gamondi.

Okrah's situation illustrates the challenge of maintaining form and confidence when not regularly featured in the starting XI.

Despite his evident talent and initial impact, his role as a second option has limited his opportunities to make a substantial mark.

Mauya: Overshadowed in the midfield

Zawadi Mauya faces a similar predicament in the defensive midfield. With the presence of Khalid Aucho, Salum “Sure Boy” Abubakar, and Jonas Mkude, Mauya has found himself overshadowed.

 Aucho has firmly established himself as the first-choice in Gamondi's lineup, with Abubakar and Mkude providing reliable backup.

This depth in midfield has curtailed Mauya's chances to showcase his abilities and secure a permanent spot in the team.

Mauya’s situation highlights the tough competition within Yanga’s squad, especially in areas where the team has depth and multiple reliable options.

His future with the club hinges on whether he can convince Gamondi of his value in the limited time remaining.

 "Skudu": A struggle for relevance

Mahlatse "Skudu" Makudubela, like Okrah, has struggled to break into the starting lineup.

The South African winger has faced stiff competition from the same cohort of players, limiting his playing time and impact on the field.

Despite his skill and experience, Skudu has been unable to displace the established players in the flanks.

Skudu's challenge reflects the broader difficulty for foreign players to adapt and thrive in a highly competitive environment like the Tanzanian Premier League, where local and other foreign talents are continuously vying for positions.

Mnata: A tough decision already made

Metacha Mnata’s exclusion from the squad indicates the club's direction concerning their goalkeeping department.

Overshadowed by the first-choice goalkeeper Djigui Diarra and second-choice Aboutwalib Msheli, Mnata has struggled to find his place.

His departure from the squad underscores the competitive nature of the position and the club’s need for consistent and reliable performance from their goalkeepers.

Reinforcements on the Horizon

Yanga are actively seeking reinforcements to bolster their squad for the upcoming season. Two Congolese players, Chadrack Boka from FC Lupopo and Agee Basiala from Union Maniema, have been identified as potential targets to enhance the team's strength.

Additionally, Tanzania Prisons goalkeeper Yona Amos is on Yanga’s radar after an impressive season, as is Philippe Kinzumbi from TP Mazembe.

These potential signings reflect Yanga's strategic approach to strengthen their squad with proven talents. The club’s ambition is clear: to maintain their dominance and compete effectively in both domestic and continental competitions.


The future of Okrah, Mauya, and "Skudu" hang in the balance as Yanga navigates a crucial transitional period.

Head coach Miguel Gamondi’s decisions will play a pivotal role in determining whether these players will continue their journey with the club or seek opportunities elsewhere.

With the club eyeing significant reinforcements, the coming weeks will be decisive for the players, whose careers at Yanga hinge on their ability to convince the coaching staff of their indispensable value.

As Yanga strive to build a formidable team for the future, the fates of Okrah, Mauya, and Skudu will be a telling indicator of the club’s strategic direction and the ever-evolving dynamics of football in Tanzania.