Age and health are not just numbers
What you need to know:
- According to health experts, adults of 65 years onwards need at least 2 hours of intensive exercise per week to strengthen muscles.
Age, is just a number?
That is what they always, say. If you like that expression I beg to differ. Age is a number, yes , nevertheless, numbers of health do not go down ; they surge and storm upwards.
I was having a chat with an old friend the other day.
She said:
“ I do not have appetite any more.”
That was very concerning.
“Why not? You always loved your food.”
She stuttered : “Age, my brother. I am getting old. I am sleeping less. I am lazy and I am not even driving my car fast any more. I am slowing down.”
We laughed.
“You are slowing down.”
“I am slowing down like a tortoise.”
“Tortoises are smart though.”
Another laughter.
The conversation was going on in a restaurant we were hanging out with other friends. We watched people thronging the place. All ages and builds. Some as young as our grand children , some as robust as our children, others older and maybe similar age, as us two.
“Life never stops.” I said, philosophically.
“Life never stops. It is we who stop.” She added.
But why was she not eating?
“I am too fat, cant you see?”
“Have you stopped exercising?”
“You always ask me this issue, Fred. I told you ages ago, I am not fond of exercise. That used to be my younger days. Many decades ago. You must have been in Africa, I was living in Australia, my school, college... It was fun then. I was supple and limber and ….well, now it is just a chore. I used to love jogging and hop about. These days I cant stand it...i have arthritis, my knees are gone. I walk the dog instead.”
That is the usual rap with people around this part of the world. Walking dogs. Fresh air. Last week a 28 year old female dog walker was mauled to death by six dogs in Caterham, Surrey , south east region of England. It is claimed, the woman was trying to control the dogs, after one had attacked a passer-by “walking” a smaller dog.
Although dog walking is a skill, a job and exercise; is that what my friend was implying?
“But dogs killing humans is rare.”
She retorted, dismissing my African opinion of dogs as dangerous creatures with a wave of her hand.
“Why don’t you swim? It is easy and best for joints and bones. As we age, the skeleton becomes extra important!”
She rolled her eyes.
“I cant stand water. And it is too cold. I would rather go somewhere hot. Jamaica. Mombasa. Zanzibar. Australia. But swimming in this cold weather?”
I was a difficult discussion.
Exercise and health are always difficult discussions.
“Have you thought of Yoga? Yoga is quite good for the organs and inner health. Especially the lungs, brain; and you don’t have to be outside in the cold like jogging or swimming.”
Her face resembled someone being pinched. She grimaced.
“I am not that limber any more. In fact I hate my body these days. Cant stand it.”
It was a futile discussion.
Exercise and health are always difficult discussions.
Especially with people of my age group. Although more “wazee” (elderly) are exercising these days (than say forty years ago), most always look at exercise as an activity for younger people. However, I am always mesmerised when I hit my local gym these days. Twenty years ago when I popped into gyms there were more males than women. More younger people than the elderly. These days, gyms are packed with a mix of young, old, black, white, male and female. And they do everything. Heavy lifting. Light lifting. Cardio work. Limbering and stretching work. Even the fitness instructors and gym personnel are a cross section of all types. Not just young males. Times have changed.
According to Wikipedia, physical workouts have been part of human history. Back in time, people worked out to prepare for village contests, weddings, village beauty, but chiefly, wars. Looking physically appealing is a quintessential part of human vanity.
My friend was sounding negative but ,trust the gods of nature, for London, she is becoming a minority. Many “wazee” are changing. Diabetes used to be a disease of the over 40s. Obese. Cake lovers. Meat enthusiasts. Alcohol fans.
Nowadays the statistics have twisted. According to health experts, adults of 65 years onwards need at least 2 hours of intensive exercise per week to strengthen muscles. This is cardio work. Whereby a person pants and sweats. That pumps up the heart and subsequently , rejuvenates veins and joints. Which generally helps keeps us out of sinister diseases crawling in as we age and disintegrate. But help save a few more years.