Avoid making him feel like nuclear reactor

What you need to know:
- A man wants to be given space in the relationship to adjust and grow with his woman. All that is required is to mend his ways to become a better version of himself.
Have you ever entered a factory’s underbelly that is lined with ominous-looking mega-boilers, all hissing, raring to explode, and some of them unleashing hot steam?
You get worried to near death that one of them might explode and cook you alive.
My brother, an ex-soldier narrated once the horror of working inside a military bomb dam filled with bombs of all sizes and shapes.
He told me that one worries and prays that one of the bombs does not explode and trigger a chain of explosions.
That is synonymous with what happens when a man is angry after a bad quarrel with his spouse or girlfriend.
Think of the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan before exploding when you think of a woman who is hell-bent on making you a candidate for the madhouse.
Women can talk endlessly. If agitated, they do not give a man a moment to explain himself. A woman usually wants you to admit to wrongdoing and leave you with the baggage of guilt.
They nag about your little habits she has always known but ignored over the years.
The woman becomes a Major General and the man a corporal. She will make you feel inferior and angry.
Take it this way, when the woman decides to become your mother, then you are doomed to a bout of mental health problems.
Maybe you smoke a little too much or you have taken a dive into a beer bottle, or maybe you are the gym freak who remembers the calorie count more than you remember her birthday, and the woman gets very cross with you.
The more she talks the angrier you become but since you do not ascribe to the tribe of “professional” wife beaters, you find yourself going back to the bar and taking a deeper dive into the bottle.
You even might do what a buddy of mine calls "psychological" healing (flirting with the barmaids). She will also annoy the brains out of you as a man.
A man wants to be given space in the relationship to adjust and grow with his woman. All that is required is to mend his ways to become a better version of himself.
One of the things that annoy guys is when women treat them as projects. You don’t need to work on them or improve them.
Change takes time and only ask them to change if there is something gravely wrong and not because it does not fit your definition of ideal.