EDITORIAL: Males must ensure end of violence against women
Today, November 25, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. One thing which makes it different from any other ‘International/World Day’ is that it is not a public holiday!
It so happens that the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (IDEVAW) this year falls on Sunday, a rest day in much of the world. But that should not prevent people of good will from going on out there and say an emphatic NO to Violence against Women!’
IDEVAW is an opportunity to participate in a universal campaign in which anyone can add their name and support in one form or another to a growing movement of people who speak out in efforts to put a halt to the violation of human, statutoryand other rights against women.
Violence against women and girls comes in different forms, and to different degrees of invariably adverse impact. The violence includes – but is not limited to – domestic/household violence, trafficking in women, sexual violence (rape and other forms of molestation, female genital mutilation, child marriage, etc.) and ‘femicide/feminicide.’
More often than not, the violence is perpetrated by males. Surprisingly enough, these may be menfolk within the victim women’s family or theircommunity.
According to the president of the UN General Assembly, Ms Maria Garces, “hundreds of millions of women are still victims of violence or sexual abuse globally. Estimates are that 35 per cent of women have experienced some form of physical and/or sexual violence – and as many as 38 per cent of murders of women are committed by intimate partners.
Men perpetrate violence against women
Ms Garces says that the fact that the world is still far from reaching the goal of ending violence against women and girls is a sad reflection on communities, nation-states – and the UN itself
It is a sad reflection indeed that it is the male of the human species that is in one way or another squarely behind the violence that has been perpetrated against the female of the species down the ages.
And the perpetrations continue with impunity even as much of the world silently watches, virtually ‘allowing’ the violence against women of all ages and backgrounds to continue unabated – and escalating with time!
The irony of it all is that the males who should be at the forefront of protecting, defending, comforting and otherwise giving unmitigated succor and assured security to women turn out to be women’s enemy number one when it comes to women’s rights! This must change. As the social group that, traditionally, holds most of the power it is time that males takes up the mantle of protecting women and girls against violence of any nature. Indeed males must spearhead the struggle for eliminating all manner and kind of violence against women – starting in earnest today.
Admittedly, the struggle is no child’s play; nor is it going to be accomplished in the foreseeable future.
But, struggle we all must – never despairing in a noble task which, when accomplished, will elevate humankind to Seventh Heaven on Cloud Nine that is gender equality pure and simple.