Heart's voice or mind's word?

What you need to know:
- Following the heart takes courage. Because the heart is willing to risk getting hurt. It takes risks for what it loves and desires, even when it knows it might lose. But the mind wants to protect. It fears we might break, that we might get hurt.
“The heart plays a melody, while the mind whispers a silent counsel; and a person gets lost between these two voices. On one side, the warm call of dreams and love, on the other, the cold yet secure embrace of reason. As the heart dares to soar, the mind fears the fall. And in the midst of this contradiction, a person seeks a path. Love or logic? Dream or reality? And finally, they realise that life finds meaning not in the clash of these two forces but in their harmony. When the heart and mind start to dance together, a person discovers themselves.”
Life sometimes leads us to a crossroads, where the heart pulls us in one direction and the mind pushes us in another. And we find ourselves stuck between these two forces. The heart whispers for us to follow what we feel, while the mind questions whether it's logical. But how do we untangle this knot? Or is it even possible?
“The heart's voice is like the wind, free and strong. The mind is like a rock, heavy and silent. Which should one hold on to, to fly with the wind and not crash into the rock?”
The heart is always warm and full of hope. It carries love, passion, and dreams. "Follow this path," it says, "for happiness awaits you there." But the mind is cautious. It sees risks and uncertainties on the path the heart shows. "Stop and think," it says, "will this road truly lead you to what you desire?"
The storm inside a person cannot be calmed by momentary decisions or simple answers. Love, dreams, and longing gather on the side of the heart, while fears, worries, and past pains align with the mind. Sometimes, caught in the middle of this struggle, we feel as if we cannot breathe.
“The heart flutters like a bird spreading its wings for freedom. The mind is like chains, firm but cold. Which is more real? Which is more true?”
Following the heart takes courage. Because the heart is willing to risk getting hurt. It takes risks for what it loves and desires, even when it knows it might lose. But the mind wants to protect. It fears we might break, that we might get hurt. And so, the mind continuously tries to rein in the heart: "Don't love too much; if you fall, you won't recover. Don't chase that dream; the weight of reality will crush you."
But a person can neither completely silence their heart nor their mind. Both are parts of us. Both speak their truths. Perhaps the real challenge is not to find which one is right but to learn to listen to both.
“A bridge must be built between the heart and the mind, woven with the light of love, strengthened with the stones of reason.”
Yet, the human soul often leans closer to the heart. Because the heart dreams, feels, and lives. When choosing love, no matter how much the mind warns us, the heart has already decided. When chasing a dream, even if the mind points out obstacles along the way, the heart cries out, "It's worth a try."
And this is where melancholy comes into play. What if the heart is wrong? What if seeing the mind proven right means witnessing the dreams that once shone brightly fade one by one? In those moments, we blame ourselves. "I wish I hadn't listened to my heart," we say. Or, "I wish I had trusted my mind more."
“My mind wanted to protect me, but my heart chose freedom. Who won, I don't know. The only thing I know is that my soul is still torn between the two.”
But maybe the issue isn't about finding a winner. Perhaps it's about learning from the heart's mistakes and pushing past the limits of the mind. Because if life were only about safe choices, we would never know love or dreams. And if we only followed our feelings, perhaps we would be lost.
In the end, this inner conflict may never find a single answer. Because it's not a battle but more like a dance. The heart and mind are the two wings of the human soul. It is impossible to fly without one or the other.
“And perhaps true freedom begins where the heart and mind meet in the same melody. There, love touches both reason and soul, and a person finally discovers their truth.”
A romantic heart, a logical mind, and the person caught between these two forces... This story lives inside each of us. And perhaps true happiness lies in learning this dance. If we can love with our hearts, decide with our minds, and live with both, then we can truly become "whole."
“The heart is a poem; the mind is a song. And a person finds their infinity in the harmony created by these two.”
With Love and Respect,
Burak Anaturk.
Burak Anaturk is a professional civil engineer. He focuses on sharing lessons from his life experiences, exploring diverse perspectives, and discussing personal development topics.
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