Taking a look at bhang from a different angle

What you need to know:
- Recent research also suggests that cannabis could be a safer choice compared to other pain-relieving drugs such as opioids and benzodiazepines, because its side effects are not life-threatening.
I’ve been sorely tempted to pen this brief article on a subject-matter that’s grossly misinterpreted or misunderstood in Tanzania: the production and selling of Cannabis, Marijuana, Bangi, for use as a narcotic. This is theoretically prohibited by law.
‘Marijuana/Marihuana’ is “the psychoactive dried resinous flower buds and leaves of the female hemp or cannabis plant – ‘Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica – that contain high levels of ‘Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol (THC), and are smoked, vaped, or ingested (as in baked goods) especially for their intoxicating effect … When a person tokes, eats or vapes cannabis, a wave of the THC washes into the brain ... ”
Known as Bangi in ki-Swahili, Cannabis is also known by a bazillion (nick) names worldwide. These include – but are by no means limited to – ‘Marijuana/Marihuana, Bhang, Dope, Ganja, hashish, Hasheesh, Hash, Herb, Pot, Grass, Weed, Mary-Jane, Aunt Mary, Doobie, Bud, Skunk, Boom, Chronic, Cheeba, Blunt, Ashes, Atshitshi… Oh!
And, people who are affected by consuming the narcotic are said to be ‘High, Whacked, Stoned, Out-of-it, Off-their-Face,’ etc. etc.
Perhaps for this very reason, the authorities in Tanzania – spearheaded by the Government’s Drug Control and Enforcement Authority (DCEA) – have been at ‘Daggers Drawn’ for years in what have proved to be futile efforts to eliminate Cannabis farming and related business in the country!
Indeed, Tanzania is actively seeking “a biological agent to KILL cannabis,” reported The Citizen of June 26, 2023... Yes, the Government “is conducting a research in an effort to come up with a special biological agent which can totally destroy cannabis from the roots…!”
According to a May 20, 2023 report by Xinhua-Dar es Salaam, “Tanzania’s anti-narcotics Authorities launched a countrywide crackdown on cannabis cultivation…” To that narrow-minded end, the authorities are destroying acres upon acres of Cannabis farms and crops!
According to the Daily News (August 2, 2023), a “special operation in the Morogoro Region destroyed 500 hectares of marijuana farms, and confiscated 131 bags of the crop...”
Oh… Government Authorities have been misleadingly celebrating from the housetops for reportedly destroying cannabis farms and crops right, left and centre across Tanzania – as well as making it more and more difficult for narcotics to readily access the item.
Indeed, Cannabis-farming and trade is still flourishing with time.
But, also, the so-called ‘illegal’ cultivation and use of cannabis is ONLY ONE relatively minor aspect of the subject-matter. What may NOT be known to – or may not be readily acceptable by – our Authorities is that cannabis does also have medical properties which would not only contribute to the country’s effective healthcare efforts, but also to its economic breadbasket!
For example, THC – the main chemical component of marijuana, ‘Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol’ – has been shown to effectively reduce nausea, and increase appetite in chemotherapy patients.
Cannabidiol oil – ‘CBD,’ the oil derived from cannabis – is used to treat a rare form of epilepsy in children, and as a natural remedy for many ailments, including pain relief and relaxation, as well as autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
Recent research also suggests that cannabis could be a safer choice compared to other pain-relieving drugs such as opioids and benzodiazepines, because its side effects are not life-threatening.
So, why NOT look at the related issues with the legendary third eye and a fresh, unprejudiced mind so as to benefit from cannabis farming and trade through related Education for Tanzanians? Why NOT, indeed?