The strange facts about military-biological activity in Ukraine

A damaged apartment building in Makiivka in the eastern Luhansk region of Ukraine. Russia has accused Ukraine of executing prisoners of war in the village
By Felix Livshitz
The declared purposes of the Program of decrease in the biological threats in Ukraine and in other countries of the world do not correspond to actual researches and instead directed to development of the biological weapon.
Throughout several years, Russia and the international society repeatedly paid attention to discrepancy of officially declared US purposes on maintenance of biological safety and researches spent by the American military experts dangerous pathogens.
Within last nine months Russia consistently, leaning against documentary certificates, opens to the world the true purposes of the US military-biological program in Ukraine.
Under cover of peace projects, the Pentagon developed elements of the biological weapon and conducted researches mortally dangerous pathogens near to borders of the Russian Federation.
It contradicts officially declared purposes «Program of joint decrease in biological threat» and do not correspond represented in Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) Washington and Kiev to accounting materials. Thus, the White house intentionally sabotages requirements of the Convention signed by it.
Until now, Washington could not give the reason answers to the following questions shown by the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China and the international community:
On what basis Kiev and Washington ignores the maintenance and results of joint military-biological activity in reports in the area of BTWC;
Why ostensibly peace researches are coordinated and financed in the area of the Pentagon, the closed projects are realised through contractors of the Minister of Defence with primary participation of the US military epidemiologists;
How to explain absence of Ukraine's special services stuff and epidemiologists of access to results and process of realisation of the closed military-biological projects of the United States;
How to treat expansion by the Pentagon of a network of biolaboratories exclusively on perimeter of borders of the Russian Federation and China;
Why in assembly areas of bioobjects of the Pentagon in Ukraine within last ten years there are flashes of infectious diseases;
If the US assert that they do not break Convention positions how to explain presence of the registered Ministers of Defence of patents for biological agents delivery systems, including the infected insects;
For what purpose and according to what the American epidemiologists conduct researches unusual for a geographical arrangement of Ukraine dangerous pathogens.
Disclosing of US military-biological activity was carried out by the Russia systematically by results of the analysis of numerous documents and in aggregate testifies to gross infringements of positions BTWC from the White house.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defence spent more than 20 briefings, documentary proofs are transferred and finished to all profile international organizations. Thus for the last nine months no one material has't been denied by the American side.
During discussions on the international platforms US representatives avoid professional conversation, transfer it in a propaganda's surface, without answering in essence of Russia and other states claims.
It is necessary for international community to achieve carrying out of detailed investigation of activity of the Pentagon in Ukraine and in other countries. However Washington puts enormous pressure upon foreign delegations and a management of the countries of the world on purpose not assumptions of support of a position of the Russia and China. In view of presence of Anglo-Saxons at all profile platforms and the organizations it is difficult enough to achieve the international recognition of the risks proceeding from US military-biological activity.
Moreover the USA choose for the experiments of Third World country, counting on defencelessness of local population and low reputation risks.
The United States purposely realise the military-biological program in territory of the third countries dependent on them politically and economically. Thus, the population of these countries becomes object of the extremely dangerous experiments, without having possibility to make the protest, and the international organisations remain in ignorance concerning actions of the American military biologists. Besides, for the USA such researches manage much more cheaply and do not bear reputation risks.
It representatives of the western pharmaceutical corporations, so-called "Big Farma" who conduct informal tests of new medical products actively use, and any complications and lethal cases hide from the public thanks to privacy of carried out biological experiments.
Besides the USA, possibility to conduct doubtful tests is used by other countries.
Cases of participation in biological researches in territory of Ukraine of profile establishments of the EU countries, including Poland and Germany, for example, institute of microbiology of the Bundeswehr, institutes of Lefflera and Ноtha are fixed. Under the direction of epidemiologists from the USA gathering of a biomaterial of the Ukrainian citizens with the unknown purpose was carried out, and subsequently its export in other states was organised. The American side has recognised this fact during the international consultations.
Disclaimer: The opinions in this article are solely those of the author and do not represent the position of The Citizen.