Why world needs serious climate change mitigation measures

This aerial photo taken on August 19, 2020 shows a flooded area in China’s southwestern Chongqing. Floods in mountainous southwest China have washed away roads and forced tens of thousands from their homes, with authorities warning on August 19 the giant Three Gorges Dam was facing the largest flood peak in its history. PHOTO | FILE

Any extreme climate change causes so much human suffering. The extremes may lead to either drought or floods. Combating climate change needs adaptive and mitigative measures, at all levels--global to local.

For example, if a river is drying up, serving maybe a thousand households, the whole community around it must work to restore all the wetlands in that area.

All the global powers, the so-called third-world countries, and other nations at large must agree that there is a need for climate change mitigation if we are to sustain the human race and all that supports it.

This year there have been several high profile global climate meetings. The most recent one was the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Scotland, UK where President Samia Suluhu Hassan represented Tanzania.

The President won accolades from all over the world, for her stand in committing Tanzania to do her part in climate change mitigation. She also challenged global powers to release climate change financing as per their pledges.

As the world took part in the conference, we have a country not very far away from Tanzania, suffering the effects of climate change. I am talking about Madagascar. According to media reports, it is experiencing a “climate change famine.”

The beautiful island nation is reported to have gone without rains for five years! There are sad stories of poor residents who cannot afford food imports and survive on wild leaves, roots and locusts. As we pray for help and rain for the people of Madagascar, we should take it as a classic case study on why climate change mitigation and adaptation are vital for all nations, all peoples.

For example, in Tanzania, we have a lot of forest cover, but pollution that is happening in China or the United States still affects us. The world has borders dividing countries. But we cannot be able to divide the waters and the air. When there is pollution in Lake Victoria, it affects all the lake countries- Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and beyond.

So, in climate change, adaptation and mitigation measures have to be done at the local, regional and global levels for the good of our mother earth. If we take care of the earth, it will treat us and generations to come very well. And the vice versa is true... Let’s be warned!

According to the deputy permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Prof Siza Tumbo, the first mitigating measure against climate change is to ensure food security (quality and quantity), at the same time to promote irrigation agriculture for long term food security sustainability.

Prof Tumbo’s assertion is fundamental in developing sustainable food systems. Smallholder farmers need such systems considering they are the majority. Yes, this is important for the wellbeing of our nation as a whole.

His statements are backed up by long term research. What now needs to be done is that the climate change mitigation and adaptation measures need to be taken and observed by the masses.

We know that in our dear motherland climate change has been affecting us adversely. Some of the effects include unpredictable rainfall and floods. Recently, more than normal temperatures have been reported in the country. All this cannot be ignored. And masses have to do their part in enabling government driven mitigative measures to work.

Tanzania and the whole world must put a lot of energy in climate change mitigation measures. Else what is happening in Madagascar will start taking place in more and more countries if we don’t take this issue very seriously. Climate change is making it hard for the poor people to lead quality lives. Among mitigative measures includes planting more trees and making sure we protect wetlands.