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Police explain continued detention of boxer Mwakinyo over assault

What you need to know:

  • Mwakinyo was arrested on suspicion of injuring the fisherman, police emphasized that anyone committing such offenses, regardless of their social status, will face legal action and that fame does not exempt one from accountability."

Tanga. Police in Tanga have explained the reasons for continuing to hold renowned professional boxer Hassan Mwakinyo 29, who is accused of assaulting Mussa Ally, whom he accused of being a thief.

The incident occurred on March 4, 2025, in the Sahare area where Mwakinyo resides. Speaking to journalists today, March 10, 2025, Tanga Regional Police Commander Almachius Mchunguzi stated that Mwakinyo is accused of assaulting and injuring Mussa Ally, a fisherman, who allegedly passed through his residence.

Mchunguzi mentioned that once the investigation is complete, they will release an official statement and bring Mwakinyo to court to answer the alleged charges against him.

He added that they had arrested Mwakinyo on suspicion of injuring the fisherman, stressing that anyone committing such offenses, regardless of their social status, will face legal action, and that fame cannot change what has occurred.

"The Tanga Regional Police are still holding Mwakinyo, a resident of Sahare, Tanga, for assaulting and injuring Mussa Ally, a fisherman from the same area. The investigation is ongoing, and once it is completed, the suspect will be taken to court," said Mchunguzi.

Furthermore, he urged the public to continue providing information about crime and criminals and to avoid engaging in criminal activities, especially acts of taking the law into their own hands, as doing so is a criminal offense.