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Advent Construction Ltd: Building a better Tanzania

Kilombero Sugar Factory 420 TPH expansion project at Morogoro.

Advent Construction Ltd, Tan­zania’s largest and most recognized civil and building construction com­pany, is at the forefront of trans­forming lives and communities through engineering.

Established in Dar es Salaam in 1995, Advent Con­struction Ltd is the first Tanzanian construction company to get ISO certification, ensuring adherence to the latest 2018 standards. Its reputa­tion is built on teamwork, precision, and an unwavering commitment to fulfill its customers’ visions.

Wimar Rice Mill at Morogoro.

Every year, the company is going to celebrate World Engineering Day on March 4th, emphasizing the vital role engineers play in creat­ing a sustainable future. This occa­sion reminds us of the impact of infrastructure on living standards and community development. Local engineers have led initiatives addressing pressing challenges like water scarcity, food insecurity, and inadequate infrastructure in Tanza­nia. Notable projects include:

Water Supply Schemes: Improved access to clean water in the HTM National Water Project and regions like Korog­we and Muheza.

Transmission Main Devel­opment: Enhanced water dis­tribution from Kiverenge Res­ervoir to Same Town.

Kimbiji, Mshikamano, and Offgrid Water Projects:Established reliable water access critical for supporting agriculture in underserved communities.

Lake Victoria Pipeline Extension:Alleviated persis­tent water shortages in Tabora, Nzega, and Igunga, boosting irrigation and economic stabil­ity.

Chalinze Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation: Revi­talized infrastructure has significantly improved water quality in local villages.

One of the water treatment plants constructed in Tanga’s Korogwe, Muheza and Pangani districts.

In addition to these essential projects, Advent Construction Ltd has constructed some of the largest industrial and commercial struc­tures in Tanzania, contributing to the country’s economic growth. Key developments include:

Kilombero Sugar Factory (Morogoro)

Knauf Gypsum Plant (Mkuranga)

Wilmar Rice Mill (Moro­goro)

Our portfolio also features signif­icant commercial projects such as the Zanzibar High Court, Sleepway Hotel, City Sky Mall, and Colosse­um Hotel, enriching the urban land­scape and providing vital services.

Recognizing the need for con­tinued growth and innovation, we advocate for government support for local engineers. Investing in their capabilities not only enhanc­es national infrastructure but also addresses the unique challenges faced by Tanzanian communities.

On this World Engineering Day, Advent Construction Ltd reaffirms its dedication to innovation and sustainability. It offers the Advent Construction Scholarship in part­nership with the University of Dar es Salaam, to support aspiring engineers in Civil Engineering and Quantity Surveying. It invites the community to engage in engineer­ing initiatives, fostering a deeper understanding of its impact on our lives and inspiring the next genera­tion of innovators.

Knauf’s gypsum plant project in Mkuranga District, Coast Region.

Join Advent Construction Ltd to work together to build a promising future for Tanzania—one project at a time. Partner with Advent Con­struction Ltd today and be part of a legacy that creates sustainable growth and development.