Celebration of the Italian National Day, 2nd of June 2023

H.E. Marco Lombardi, Ambassador of Italy
On the occasion of the National day of Italy, I wish to congratulate my fellow Nationals for their continuous and appreciated activities in Tanzania that contribute to our great image in this Country. I also wish to thank all the friends that are working for building stronger ties between Italy and Tanzania. Please count always on the support of the Embassy of Italy whose goal is to bring mutual prosperity to two of the most beautiful Countries in the World.
We continue to work together and the fruits of our efforts are tangible. Today, so many developments have taken place and we are even more committed about our common goals and achievements. We are looking forward to continuing improving cooperation in political, economic, financial, cultural, development and trade areas. In the framework of the bilateral relations, we want mutual benefits to Italy and Tanzania.
Italy-Tanzania Business Forum
I am keen to announce that the Italy-Tanzania Business Forum will be held in Milan, Italy, in the next month of October. The activities of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Dar es Salaam are growing very fast and in an extremely positive way. Our programs on Vocational Training, National Statistics, Blue Economy, Women Empowerment and Health are developing in the right direction. We are also increasing the presence of our Italian Trade Agency in Tanzania. It is a very challenging endeavor, but with the support of all of you, we believe we will be successful.
Rome candidature to host EXPO 2030
Italy is well known in Tanzania and worldwide for history, art, lifestyle, culture and beauty. We are strongly committed to preserve those amazing features that make my Country unique in the world. We believe that our heritage belongs to all mankind. Tanzania is indeed in our hearts. We are interested in further developing, cooperation with Tanzania, whose economy is growing very fast. We are looking forward to building partnerships on a win-win basis with our Tanzanian friends. In this framework, we are continuing to promote here the candidature of Rome to host EXPO 2030. We count on our Tanzanian friends’ support!
Tusherekee Italia
I am very proud to announce that, from June to August 2023, Italy will organize the “Tusherekee Italia campaign” that will showcase the best of our culture, products, fashion, technology food and wine. We want basically to share with you, dear Tanzanian friends, our life style! We are looking forward to welcoming you to our concerts of Italian music “Taranta” by Kalascima in Dar es Salaam’s Slip Way and in Zanzibar’s Shambaland; our cinema, with director Guia Zapponi work “Soul Travel” about Mountain Kilimanjaro and the important exhibition “Il Perugino” which marks the 500th year anniversary of the death of the great Italian painter. These are just some of the events that will be on our calendar.
We believe that “Tusherekee Italia” promotional activities can increase business ties with Tanzania. In the last 20 years, the Italian private sector has invested here more than 2 billion US Dollars. We want to continue the trend and we hope that many other Italian investments will be made in many other sectors of the promising economy of Tanzania.

Italian Civil Society
We, at the Embassy of Italy, strongly believe in the importance of people to people cooperation. Dialogue and common projects among civil societies are a key factors in the positive development and evolution of relations between States. For this reason, we welcome the very important work undertaken, since more than 100 years ago, by Italian NGOs and Missionaries in this Country. We praise their activities that are very successful and very meaningful both for Italy and Tanzania.
We express great satisfaction for the new approach of the Tanzanian Authorities towards Italian NGOs, like the meeting with the Italian Civil Society involved in Tanzania, recently organized in Rome by the Tanzanian Ambassador, H.E. Mahmoud Thabit Kombo, at the presence of Commissioner General for Immigration Services, H.E. Anna Peter Makakala.
The highly strategical geographical position of Tanzania is already contributing to the development of international trade, commerce and traffics in Africa, but also in the Middle East, Asia and Europe. We are indeed aware of these great opportunities. Italy is strongly committed to give its contribution to such a success story.
Italy and Tanzania contribution to History!
In Tanzania, the Ngorongoro Crater and Conservation Area is one of the most important prehistoric sites in the world. Olduvai Gorge, located in the Conservation Area, is a major archaeological discovery of the 1950s. The fossils discovered there are said to be the earliest known evidence of Homo Sapiens. An Italian archeological mission is working with Dar es Salaam University on this important project. Their presentation was among the most important to be showcased at the first International Day of Italian Archeological missions abroad, that was held in Rome in May 2023.
In Italy, thanks to Ancient Rome, civilization, as we know it today, is where it was born. These very important aspects must push us to work even harder to achieve our common goals.
Political Cooperation
We attach great importance to political cooperation with Tanzania both at a bilateral and a multilateral level. We welcome the important progress in the relation between Tanzania and our European Union Family and we wish for a continuous improvement of our political ties in order to find positive solutions to the common challenges of the contemporary world like those related to the Russian aggression of Ukraine.
Together with all the Staff of the Embassy of Italy in the United Republic of Tanzania, I wish again a Happy National Day to all Italians, Tanzanian Institutions and Citizens and to all our Friends committed to further improving our bilateral ties.
Viva l’Italia!
Ambassador Marco Lombardi