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Diamond Trust Bank empowers women to achieve their dreams and excel in the financial sector

Ms. Catherine Mapundi, Diamond Trust Bank’s Human Resource Manager.

What you need to know:

  • To empower women outside the bank, Diamond Trust Bank is actively involved in initiatives such as financial education, special loan programmes, and tailored bank ac­counts to help women achieve their dreams.

In today’s world, women are increasingly taking on significant roles in the financial sector, which has long been dominated by men. The inclusion of women in this sec­tor has brought about substantial economic changes, from personal financial management and small and medium-sized enterprises to top leadership positions in financial institutions.

Women’s participation in the financial sector drives economic growth in various ways. Research has shown that countries with gen­der equality in the economy experi­ence faster development.

To enhance their participation, it is crucial to continue addressing the challenges they face, promoting gender equality, and implement­ing policies that empower them to contribute fully to the sector’s de­velopment. Diamond Trust Bank is among the institutions that have put in place strong strategies to ensure women get opportunities based on their capabilities.

In an exclusive interview, Dia­mond Trust Bank Human Resources Manager Catherine Mapundi, stat­ed that the bank has excellent pol­icies for women, enabling them to achieve their dreams and contribute to the growth of the financial sector and the economy.

Women development policies

We have two main policies: Equal opportunity policy – this policy prohibits discrimination based on gender in recruitment, hiring, pro­motion, and all other employment practices.

Maternity and Parental Leave – This policy enables us to offer an in-house nursery for nursing moth­ers upon their return from maternity leave. We also offer paternity leave to support shared parenting.

Regarding the number of women employed in various positions within the bank, Catherine states that they are committed to increasing female representation across all manage­ment levels. Currently, 49 percent of their workforce are women, with 14 percent holding managerial and se­nior leadership positions.

Training and skills develop­ment programs

Catherine mentions that the bank has implemented various training and skill development pro­grammes to support women at all managerial levels. These pro­grammes cater to different needs, from basic financial literacy to ad­vanced leadership training.

Some of these programmes include: Leadership development programmes – effective leadership, leadership and collaboration, senior leadership and transformation, fi­nancial literacy & entrepreneurship sessions – covering topics such as UTT, bonds and savings, and pen­sioner savings, digital skills sessions – women in tech initiatives.

“We have conducted Leadership and Collaboration Development Programmes aimed at preparing our junior supervisors and mid­dle managers for bigger roles by building leadership skills, strategic thinking, and confidence. Our goal is to transform leaders from good to great,” said Catherine. The bank also acknowledges and supports women excelling in the tech sector by equip­ping female tech employees with competitive skills and providing net­working opportunities with industry peers.

Employment opportunities and promotions

Catherine states that Diamond Trust Bank follows a merit-based system for recruitment and pro­motion, ensuring that decisions are based on qualifications, experience, and performance rather than gen­der. The bank also conducts regular audits of HR processes to identify and address any gender-based dis­parities.

“We maintain transparency in our promotion processes, ensur­ing that all employees understand the criteria for advancement. From 2023 to 2025, the bank has promot­ed 37 women to supervisory roles.”

Additionally, through its Grad­uate Management Trainee (GMT) programme, Diamond Trust Bank empowers female graduates by of­fering them employment opportuni­ties immediately after university.

“Every two years, we recruit 10 graduates from various universi­ties across the country and provide them with leadership training in the financial sector before offering them permanent employment,” Catherine explained.

Diamond Trust Bank initiatives to support women in accessing loans or financial assistance

To empower women outside the bank, Diamond Trust Bank is actively involved in initiatives such as financial education, special loan programmes, and tailored bank ac­counts to help women achieve their dreams.

“We have the Amani Account, a savings account for women available in both TZS and USD. This unique account is designed to empower women by promoting a safe and in­dependent banking lifestyle,” said Catherine. Benefits of the Amani Ac­count; Free MasterCard, Competi­tive interest rates (5% on TZS, 1% on USD), 10% discount on safe deposit locker fees and joint account option for two female account holders.

Diamond Trust Bank collabora­tion with other organisations

Catherine highlights that to reach more Tanzanians, Diamond Trust Bank collaborates with various organisations to implement strate­gies and programmes effectively.

One notable initiative is the wom­en & digital marketplace conference 2024, which took place on Novem­ber 30, 2024. The event, organised by LP Digital through the Women and Technology Programme under The Launchpad Tanzania, focused on leveraging digital innovation to transform women-led businesses. The event aimed to bridge the gap between women entrepreneurs and digital opportunities.

Other initiatives include; sup­porting training for 10 youths (6 females and 4 males) in a 3-year vo­cational training programme at the Don Bosco Youth Centre, Iringa.

Reaching 500 girls in 2023 in Mara Region through the Namth­amini Initiative by East Africa Radio, providing reusable sanitary towels (Tumaini Kits) to 315 girls in Zanzi­bar.

International Women’s Day celebrations

For this year’s International Women’s Day, Diamond Trust Bank organises events to celebrate wom­en’s achievements and raise aware­ness about gender equality.

“We participate in different fo­rums, talks, and summits that show­case women’s talents and highlight our potential when empowered,” Catherine stated.

Additionally, Diamond Trust Bank actively engages in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initia­tives, focusing on sectors such as healthcare, financial education in schools and universities, and other community support programs.

Testimonial from Maryvine Pe­ter

Diamond Trust Bank Branch Manager, Maryvine Peter, shared her journey within Diamond Trust Bank, stating that she started as a clerk in 2014, a role that gave her valuable experience in customer service.

“I began my career at Diamond Trust Bank in 2014 as a clerk, where I gained invaluable experience in cus­tomer service and banking opera­tions. Over the years, I embraced ev­ery learning opportunity, which led to my promotion to branch manager in 2022,” said Maryvine.

Ms. Maryvine Peter, Branch Manager DTB Centre

She added, “Taking the lead at a new branch focused on high-net-worth individuals (HNI) was both challenging and rewarding. As a pio­neer in this role, I was able to estab­lish foundational relationships and grow the branch’s book of business significantly. My journey has been marked by continuous learning, adaptability, and a commitment to excellence in service delivery.”

Regarding her achievements at the bank, Maryvine stated, “Since becoming the branch manager, my biggest achievement has been suc­cessfully building a portfolio of HNI clients and expanding our branch’s business while maintaining high service standards in giving person­alised banking service to our cus­tomers. This not only increased cus­tomer satisfaction but also fostered long-term loyalty and relationships with our customers.”

She emphasized that Diamond Trust Bank has played a significant role in her career growth and lead­ership development. The bank offers various training programmes that have equipped her with the neces­sary skills to manage a team effec­tively, boosting her confidence and ability to lead in a competitive envi­ronment.

Maryvine advised young women aspiring to grow in the banking sec­tor, saying, “My advice is to remain resilient and proactive. Seek men­torship and build a strong network. Don’t hesitate to take on challenging self-development opportunities that will push you outside your comfort zone. Believe in your capabilities and pursue your goals with determina­tion.”