French-Tanzanian Chamber of Commerce to pave the way for deeper bilateral economic relations

Q: Mr. Darmois, when was the French-Tanzanian Chamber of Commerce created?
C.D.: “The FTCC was created in January 2020. Under the impulsion of the French Ambassador to Tanzania, Frédéric CLAVIER, five founding members of the biggest French firms active in Tanzania, namely AGS Group, Bolloré, ENGIE PowerCorner, Maurel & Prom, TotalEnergies and myself Chairman, engaged ourselves in establishing the FTCC.”
Q: What was the main objective behind this creation? C.D.: “The French-Tanzanian Chamber of Commerce provides a platform for exchange and business networking to Tanzanian and French companies and aims to support the growth of Tanzanian and French businesses by assisting and facilitating trade, investment and finance and industry activities. The FTCC also promotes and facilitates the establishment of partnerships between French and Tanzanian companies in order to increase their strength on the international market.
“Doing business together” and “Promoting investments in Tanzania” have been since its creation the two guidelines of the FTCC. Physical networking events, regular thematic webinars with prominent personalities and experts from the Tanzanian public and private sectors as well as dedicated events to technical and operational employees of our member companies have been organized in consonance to these guidelines.”

Q: Can Tanzanians directly benefit from FTCC’s activities?
C.D.: “Indeed, we are also com-mitted to contributing collectively to increase corporate social responsibility efforts. For instance, just a few months after its creation, the FTCC coordinated, in close cooperation with the French Ambassador, a donation of its members of various Cov-id-19 protective gears to Tanzanian health workers. The exchange of ideas and resources, which we are promoting and facilitating, aims at building a more ethical and responsible society.”
Q: Where do you see the FTCC in the next few years?
C.D.: “Though still young, the FTCC has grown exponentially this last year by gaining not less than 40 members from the Tanzanian and French economic sector. Tanzania is and will remain very attractive for investors and these investments are essential to the deep and intense economic, cultural and social relationship between France and Tanzania. Since its establishment, the FTCC has been seeking to play its role as a gatherer to make its voice heard by taking relevant positions that reflect the interests of our members.
Also, we share with the authorities our collective analysis about perspectives or needs of the private sector to strive and contribute more efficiently to the national development. By the end of June 2021, the FTCC has become a member of the International network of French Chambers of Commerce in 124 countries world-wide.
This aims to give to its member’s greater opportunities to open up their market and investments to the whole world. All these achievements would not have been possible without the involvement of the FTCC members, business partners and founding members.”