How State Aviation turns Tanzania into an ideal destination for tourists

Did you know that helicopters that flew political leaders and artists several years ago were not from this country?

They were rentals from Kenya and South Africa from which they had to pay three times to afford its services; that means – paying for when it lands in the country, when it operates and when it returns.

These Tanzanians had to grapple with the exorbitant but also pinch prices for helicopter services until when ‘the Guardian Angel’ State Avi­ation came to wipe their tears with offerings within their level.

Established in 2020, the company is 100 percent locally-owned.

It operates with the aim of help­ing to achieve the implementation of strategic projects through helicopter transportation services.

The major responsibilities of the company include; transporting staff, equipment, patients, rescuing the injured, and protection in the areas of mining, infrastructure, oil and gas projects.

Also, the company offers helicop­ter tour services for tourists who want to do quick tours within a short period of time.

The company serves from small clients who rent such services for hours to large ones who enter into long-term agreements with the pro­vider.

Helicopter costs are fixed based on operating costs and the type of heli­copter, and State Aviation, has con­sidered people from all walks of life and thus it boasts its tailored rental services for its loyal customers.

The company, which still operates as a startup, works by complying with a set of standards in areas of safety and quality assurance.

Aviation market

Looking at the country’s aviation growth, State Aviation’s Manag­ing Director, Amour Abdallah said that the sector displays all possi­ble growth indicators as there is a drive from the relevant authorities in charge of the aviation industry to encourage investors to take on the sector.

Adding to his point, recalling sev­eral years back, Mr Abdallah said that many investors seemed to turn blind eye on helicopter transport services and, instead, splashed much cash on caravans, commercial ATR, bombardier, Airbus services etc.

“I personally see a promising growth trend of aviation, and as State Aviation, we see nothing but pros­perity after five years from now, what we are doing is to prepare ourselves to grow together,” he stated.

About World Aviation Day

World Aviation Day, which is celebrated every December 7, is a reminder to stakeholders in the avi­ation industry, State Aviation includ­ed, to continue to adhere to regu­lations, safety practices and quality services.

The MD elucidates that given the fact that aviation is a significant sec­tor that is relied upon to bring for­eign currency to the country through tourism, trade and transportation, safety is no longer a compromise.

That is why the Executive Direc­tor of State Aviation has said that this day is important for them as it reminds them to ensure the safety of their passengers, referring to the recent tragic scene of the Precision Air crash.

“We will participate particularly in highlighting how safety is important, especially for those who provide air transport services like us. Unfortu­nately, all of us who are involved in this industry are reminded of the Precision Air incident, and plane crashes bear greater impacts,” he insisted.

The contribution of aviation to the economy

Mr Abdallah further noted that aviation has a great role in develop­ing the economy and it is way safer than any other. Also, with this, pas­sengers spend a short time while onboard. He substantiates that tour­ists always prefer air travel as it facil­itates touring a number of destina­tions at a time.

“For the development of strate­gic projects such as; Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project (JNHPP) it requires transport means like this to move experts or equipment from one place to another.

It facilitates trade between coun­tries and promotes investment more quickly. “There is a pleasant feeling that you get when you fly by plane rather than bus, this is for any human being,” he explained.

The unending pride

He pointed out that before the company started its operations in the country, there was no local firm that was providing helicopter servic­es in the country, so the arrival of State Aviation is a comfort to Tanza­nians because the service has been brought closer.

He said that due to the value that the company has added to the busi­ness, the money that tourists were to pay to foreign firms for touring services, is retained home, and there­fore contributes to the country’s economy.

In addition, the company has been proud to provide rescue assistance to tourists who encounter altitude challenges through their health unit.

“We have been making Tanza­nia a safe place for tourists to reach through these rescue services,” he noted.

Royal Tour opportunity

He said that as a company they are relieved to contribute to the Royal Tour campaign because they were aware of its prospective results.

The State Aviation boss said that they had a chance to showcase their activities to the Government leaders during that period and that it intro­duced them to those leaders that Tanzania now has a reliable helicop­ter service provider.

The company has set up a pro­cedure to charge the Government a subsidized price when it needs to rent a helicopter for its activities because it thinks it has an obligation to be part of supporting the Govern­ment’s agenda.

If that is not enough, the company asked to be included in the national disaster committee where when dis­asters occur the committee can have access to their helicopters and use them for rescue purposes at no cost.

Why should we choose State Avi­ation?

This company enables the cus­tomer to save money that he/she would have to pay more for a service provider outside the country.

Also, he says that the quality of service and safety practices are oth­er things that make the customer choose that company.

Putting emphasis on safety, he/she said that the company has insured its helicopters and thus assure its customers of their safety against dis­asters.

Why Zanzibar?

The firm operates in Zanzibar because of the fact that the archipel­ago is estimated to take half of the tourists entering the country.

Another thing that drew them there, according to him, is the Blue economy agenda that directly con­nects the company’s services. He is of the opinion that the agenda cannot be implemented without air travel services, and that is why they decided to make the isles their headquarters.


He said the company has been providing monthly customer service training to all its customer care unit staff.

Secondly, there are exchange pro­grams between that local firm and foreign aviation firms that have made progress in the world where he added that the staff of those com­panies come to the country every month to share the experience with the State Aviation and vice versa.


“We believe the quality of service lies in the expectation of the custom­er, and every customer has that per­ception lingering in their minds that air travel is home to deluxe onboard experiences.”

He says that airlines around the world face a daunting task to ensure that the expectations of customers of air travel services are met.

He says that for his company, the costs of helicopters are higher than airplanes, and against that backdrop, they are struggling to beat precon­ceptions, expectations and needs of their customers.

Opportunities available

He says there is an opportunity for drones to carry air cargo, engaged in agricultural activities (especially aerial irrigation and fumigation in the farms).

Also, he sees further training for air travel service provider personnel as an added opportunity in the sector for learning new things and reducing the dependence of aviation experts from abroad by producing our own.

Call to action

He calls on the Government to come up with a plan to establish pilot colleges so that as a country we can continue to produce our own pilots who will be able to fly these helicop­ters in this country.

Apart from that, he urges stake­holders of the sector to invest in security systems in order to be able to convince customers of their ability in providing air travel services.