Kikuletwa Renewable Energy Training and Research Centre on a mission to transform energy sector

Kikuletwa Renewable Energy Training and Research Centre Coordinator Eng. Sithole Mwakatage (firstt left) briefs Hai District Security and Defense Committee Chairperson, Upendo Wella (second left) on how a mini-hydro turbine testing station works during the committee’s visit at the campus.
Kikuletwa Hydropower Station lies on the western end of the Sanya Plains, about 20 km south-west of Moshi.
Currently Kikuletwa is accessed through a road 20 km earth road from Bomang’ombe town about 20 km from Moshi town, on the Moshi-Arusha highway and about 70 km from Arusha city.
Kilimanjaro International Airport lies only 12 Kilometres further west from Kikuletwa.
In year 2014, Arusha Technical College (ATC) acquired the ownership of the power plant to the college, so that it can transform into international training centre, as well supplying power to the national grid.
ATC is thus rehabilitating and developing the power station to start serving as centre of excellence in renewable energy training focusing on hydropower, solar, wind and biomass and concurrently supply power to the national grid.
Feasibility studies have indicated that the current Kikuletwa potential is 1.7 Megawatt, but the site may potentially provide up to 17 MW of electricity by considering cascade potential. Kikuletwa Renewable Energy Training and Research Centre (KRETC) is designated to conduct courses in clean energy technologies.
The mission of KRETC lies into three initiatives; a training centre for artisan, technicians and professional in power generations technologies; micro hydro turbine testing and certification centre; and active participation in power generation by using renewable energy resources.
Training activities
The selection of courses for Kikuletwa Training Centre are based on the situation analysis conducted by Arusha Technical College (ATC) by involving various stakeholders from energy and electricity sector, education sector and government policy developers.
The analysis revealed that there were no institutions offering skills totally specialized in renewable energy resources power generation and there is a demand for professions in renewable energy skills.
Courses were developed to fill the gap by starting trainings in hydro-electric power generation, which is the most commonly used energy sources of them all.
Identified courses
Long-term trainings (artisans’ programmes)
• Programmes names (nva i-iii)
a) Hydropower plants operation and maintenances;
b) Solar electric systems installation;
c) Bio- energy systems construction;
d) Wind energy systems installation;
e) Domestic electrical installation;
f) Plumbing and pipe fitting; and
g) Masonry and brick and laying.
Short-term training
Several programmes shall be developed generally for renewable energy personnel on technologies like Hydropower, Solar, Wind, and Biomass energy resources.
The first introduced courses includes:-
a) Hydropower plants operations and maintenances;
b) Solar PV systems, sizing, installation and service and maintenances;
c) PLC in hydropower plant engineering;
d) Maintenance of hydropower distribution network;
e) Design and construction of electric distribution network;
f) Transformer and motor rewinding technology; and
g) Mini hydropower turbine development.
For the name of the centre currently120 students are enrolled, whereby in five years we expect to have 120 trainees on site for long courses and short professional courses.
Kikuletwa EASTRIP project
Kikuletwa Renewable Energy Research and Training Centre has been selected by the world bank group to be among ten (10) centres in East African countries of Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania for financing so as to transform them into Regional Flagship Training Institutes (RFTI) for TVET training programs particularly for EASTRIP project.
Kikuletwa is selected to be transformed to flagship Centre in TVET training in renewable energy skills.
The project’s development objectives are to increase the access and improve the quality of TVET programs and to support regional integration and regional economic corridors.
The objectives and results will be achieved through activities grouped under three components, priority being to strengthen selected Regional TVET Centers of Excellence for high quality skills development in related sectors, Secondly to help in capacity building for national TVET systems and enhancing regional collaborative capacity in TVET and project coordination.
So, through this project the centre benefits for increased number of classrooms, engineering workshops, modern training equipment, increased skills for teachers and trainers, and increased collaboration with industries in training.
One milestone for the project is to enroll cross border students for long courses, currently East African countries they have different qualification framework, which makes it difficult for graduates from one country to be recognized in the other countries. For centre of excellence to achieve this goal, the East African countries through relevant policies, need to harmonize the recognition of the qualifications from neighboring countries.
Success stories
ATC have managed to conduct a situation analysis on the demand on renewable energy skills to various industries, the situation analysis resulted into development of five new programmes for technicians and artisans, draft document are already discussed by key stakeholders and will be submitted to National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) for validation soon.
Arusha Technical College has succeeded to secure additional support from Hanze University of Netherland which will support the training of teachers for renewable energy technologies and also gender mainstreaming to support female student in taking engineering courses, especially in renewable energy skills.
Ordinary Diploma Programs offered at Kikuletwa Campus
1. Diploma in Electrical and Solar PV Systems Engineering
2. Diploma in Wind Energy and Electrical Engineering
3. Diploma in Mechanical and Bio-energy Systems Engineering
Admission Requirements
A certificate of Secondary Education with a minimum pass grade of D in Mathematics, physics/ Engineering Science, Chemistry and English OR
National Vocational Award (NVA) Level III in Electrical offered by VETA, Secondary Education Certificate and Pre-technology Certificate offered by a recognized institution.
Pre-Technology Program
Applicants must be holders of certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) and NVAs – 3 or Trade Test 1
Kikuletwa Campus through EASTRIP Project has offered a scholarship of three programs to be funded by the project for 90/%. The programs include
• Hydropower plant Operation and Maintenances
• Solar electric Systems Installation
• Bio-energy Systems Construction
• Wind energy Systems Installation
Accommodation to both Male and Female students is available. Female students are highly encouraged to apply.
Mode of Application
Application forms can be obtained from the office of Registrar at Arusha Technical College or can be downloaded from the College Website:
Other Requirements
a) Certified Copies of relevant Certificates such as CSEE, Academic Transcripts/ National Examination statements of results or result slp
b) Birth Certificate
c) School Leaving Certificate
d) Two colored personal passport size photographs taken within the last six months
All enquiries about admission should be addressed to:
Admission Officer, Arusha Technical College,
P. O Box 296, Arusha, Tel. +255 27 29 70056, Fax +255 27 2548337
Email: [email protected]