Message of Commemorating National Foundation of Republic of Korea
Today, October 3, is special to all Koreans because it is the National Foundation Day of the Republic of Korea (ROK), well-known as South Korea. It celebrates the establishment of the first Korean nation on the Korean Peninsula in its history called “Gojoseon” dynasty in BC 2,333 about 4,354 years ago.
As the Embassy of ROK did last year, it has decided to post my National Foundation Day message on these prestigious The Citizen and Mwananchi newspapers, instead of my announcing the message in front of invited guests at a face-to-face reception ceremony, due to the COVID-19 pandemic that is still seriously threatening our health and life.
Taking this opportunity, first of all I would like to convey my government’s heartfelt congratulations on the constitution-based smooth and peaceful transition of power in the United Republic of Tanzania immediately after the sudden demise of H.E. late President John Pombe Magufuli last March. May God rest his soul in permanent peace!
I am happy to witness a continuous positive progress of this stable and peaceful country’s robust economy, recording 4.8% growth last year and 4.9% for the first quarter of this year, despite the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the landmark achievement that Tanzania entered the World Bank’s group of middle-income countries on July 1 last year. I believe a raft of the recent proactive investment promotion efforts under H.E. President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s visionary leadership will surely facilitate the realization of an industrialized economy targeted by the National Development Vision 2025.
This year is the 29th anniversary of our two friendly countries’ diplomatic relationship. Since it was established on April 30, 1992, our two countries have progressively and steadily developed an amicable and constructive relationship in a wide range of fields such as development cooperation, trade, and people-to-people exchange.
In the field of development cooperation, the Korean government has put its high priority on Tanzania by once again including this stable and economically fast-growing country in the category of South Korea’s 27 official development assistance (ODA) priority partner countries across the world for the second consecutive 5-year partnership from this year, after its last 5-year successful development cooperation. For this reason, all of Korea’s three ODA organizations – namely Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) in charge of concessional loans, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) giving grants, and Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH) being specialized in healthcare cooperation grant programs – have operated their country offices in Dar es Salaam.
Briefly speaking, the EDCF has provided USD 733 million since 2004 for mega-financial development projects such as construction of bridges (New Selander in Dar es Salaam and Kikwete in Kigoma), Muhimbili Mloganzila modern hospital, national ID centers, water supply and waste water treatment facilities (Dar es Salaam and Dodoma), electricity transmission stations, irrigation facilities in Zanzibar, and five regional vocational centers. For the next five years, the EDCF plans to further expand its financial support to key infrastructure projects in Tanzania on five priority sectors: transport, energy, water, health, and public administration.
While the KOICA has recently granted about USD 15 million on annual average for a wide diversity of socially and economically beneficial projects such as education, skills training for youth, women empowerment, healthcare, aquaculture, water, sanitation, and hygiene in Tanzania, the KOFIH has focused on healthcare improvement in various areas such as reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child healthcare, infectious disease prevention, supply and repair of modern medical equipment, and training of healthcare workers and biomedical personnel. The summary of the above three organizations’ main ODA activities across Tanzania is attached to this initial message.
In the areas of trade, our bilateral trade volume that culminated at USD 375 million in 2014 has recently remained around USD 200 million with USD 119 million for the first half of this year. Compared to the large population of our two countries around 52-58 million each, the current volume of our bilateral trade looks quite small. Therefore, there is much room for improvement. In this regard, the other two Korea’s public organizations, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) and Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA) have made tireless efforts to get together Korean businessmen and their Tanzanian partners online and offline to help them to form mutually beneficial partnerships and joint projects. The details of their main activities are also summarized in the second half of this message.
I cannot overemphasize the importance of people-to-people exchange to consolidate our bilateral friendly and constructive relations. For the better understanding of our two peoples, the Korean government has invited annually about 50 Tanzanian governmental officials, university students and medical personnel to Seoul, Korea for various short-term, mid-term and long-term programs in professional, academic and medical fields. Recently, the KOICA has helped two prestigious universities in Tanzania – University of Dar es Salaam and Center for Foreign Relations – to open online and offline Korean language courses for students. To disseminate Korea’s useful development experiences and business ideas as well as Korean history and culture to the general public of Tanzania, the Embassy has organized various cooperative projects with the Korean Studies Center of the University of Dar es Salaam by jointly hosting seminars on bilateral business and development, Quiz on Korea, Korean Speaking Contest, and Korean Food Event. Among them, the Korean Food Event will be held today on the occasion of this National Foundation Day at Seoul Garden Restaurant in Dar es Salaam.
As the well-known Swahili proverb says “Haba na haba hujaza kibaba” (Its meaning is similar to the English saying “Slow and steady wins the race”), I am pleased to see our bilateral relations continuously growing in depth and width through our friendly and constructive and step-by-step efforts ever since the first diplomatic establishment in 1992. Building on this successful cooperation, I am confident that the Republic of Korea will remain firmly committed to working with Tanzania hand in hand to help accomplish the goals of the National Development Vision 2025 by actively sharing its useful development experiences as well as technical know-hows and financial means.
The Korean people are eager to help friendly countries in need because of their difficult but grateful experiences of having constructed its vibrant economy with the beneficial aid of international community, along with their hard work and entrepreneurship, even after the intolerable levels of hardships such as 35-year colonialism, division of the Korean Peninsula, and the devastating Korean War (1950-53) in the first half of last century.
Last but not least, on the occasion of the upcoming 60th Anniversary of the Independence of Tanganyika on 9 December this year, on behalf of the Korean people and government, I full-heartedly wish the Tanzanian people and government ever-lasting peace and steady progress towards prosperity in many years to come.
Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) operated by Korea Eximbank
Since 2004, Korea Eximbank that operates the Korean Government’s Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) has contributed to the economic development and welfare of Tanzanians by supporting concessional loan projects in various sectors such as transportation, health, water, sanitation, energy, education and public management.
Established in 1987 by the Government of the Republic of Korea, EDCF is one of the two main pillar agencies of South Korea’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) together with KOICA with a view to assisting partner countries in achieving poverty eradication and economic development. Its total commitments globally amount to USD 18,571 million for a total of 460 projects in 57 countries, including Tanzania.
Korea Eximbank opened its very first Country Office in Africa here in Dar es Salaam in 2014, which since then has served as a driving force in expanding bilateral economic and development cooperation between our two countries. In particular, its financial contribution in forms of concessional loan to the government of Tanzania has cumulatively reached USD 733 million with 16 projects. Tanzania is not only EDCF’s second largest partner country in Africa, but also the country has been EDCF’s major and long-term partner in the continent. As a result, EDCF has become the largest provider of bilateral concessional loans to Tanzania among OECD countries.
Among those 16 projects having been implemented in Tanzania, the four projects of New Selander bridge, MUHAS Academic Medical Center in Mloganzila, Data Centers for National ID system and COVID-19 Crisis Response Budget Support Program are so far the most remarkable and symbolic EDCF-funded projects in this country.
Being constructed by GS E&C – Korean engineering and construction company – and funded by EDCF since October 2018, New Selander Bridge with total length of 1.03km crosses the Indian Ocean on the east coast of Dar es Salaam. This project includes not only constructing a bridge, but also widening existing 4.52km road and paving new 0.68km road to connect Central Business District to Msasani area surrounding the bridge. Once completed at the end of 2021, the New Selander Bridge is expected to mitigate chronic traffic congestion along the Ali Hassan Mwinyi road, to promote balanced development between northern and southern parts of Dar es Salaam, and to serve as a tourist attraction as the landmark of Dar es Salaam.
MUHAS Medical Center in Mloganzila, the biggest and most modern hospital in Tanzania, was built and equipped by EDCF and it was opened in November 2017. Now merged with Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), the MUHAS Center provides specialized medical services for patients referred from regional hospitals, and clinical training for health care providers in Tanzania.
Another successful EDCF project in Tanzania is the construction of data centers for National Identification system. This project consists of the construction of Main Data Center, Data Recovery Center, and 11 Regional Registration Offices in Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza, and Zanzibar, and the provision of state-of-the-art ICT infrastructures for the Centers and Regional Registration Offices. This project was completed in 2018 and is currently in its full operation. It is expected to contribute to enhancing Tanzanian business processes through the smart-card National ID services and improving the productivity of staff workers of related agencies such as immigration department, Registration, Insolvency, Trusteeship Agency (RITA), and local governments.
In 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, South Korea remained a strong partner of Tanzania and therefore provided the COVID-19 Crisis Response Budget Support Program of USD 40 million which was a co-financing program with AfDB. It helped the country mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic, especially in the health sector.
In addition to the aforementioned landmark projects, EDCF has actively contributed to a better life of Tanzanians in energy, health, and water sectors with the following projects :
- Vocational Training Centers Establishment Project (2005-2014) with a concessional loan of USD 18 million
- Malagarasi (Kikwete) Bridge & Associated Roads (2008-2014) with a concessional loan of USD 54 million
- Construction of a 132kv Transmission Lines Kilimanjaro-Arusha and the Kiyungi Substation (2010-2015) with a concessional loan of USD 25 million
- Iringa-Shinyanga Backbone Substations (2011-2016) with a concessional loan of USD 36.4 million
- Improvement of Water Supply in Dodoma (2010-2015) with a concessional loan of USD 49.6 million
- Construction of Zanzibar Irrigation Infrastructure (2012–2022) with a concessional loan of USD 50 million
- Waste Water Treatment System Development in Dar es Salaam (2016-2024) with a concessional loan of USD 90.1 million
- Construction of Substations for Kigoma–Nyakanazi Transmission Line Project (2020-2023) with a concessional loan of USD 45 million
- Waste Water Treatment System Development in Dodoma (2021-2026) with a concessional loan of USD 70 million
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) was founded in 1991 to maximize the effectiveness of South Korea’s grant aid programs for developing countries. Its main objective is to bring peace and prosperity to developing countries by supporting poverty eradication and sustainable socio-economic development.
KOICA Country Office in Tanzania was established in 2002. The Country Office provides grants and technical assistance programs for the implementation of bilateral and multilateral development projects in Tanzania. Its work is guided by the Korean Government’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Tanzania, and KOICA’s Country Program (CP), which primarily focuses on health and education.
Between 1991 and 2020, KOICA supported Tanzania with a total of USD 154 million in development assistance. This amounts to the second largest volume in terms of grant assistance among all KOICA’s partner countries in Africa. The Agency has implemented 29 bilateral and multilateral projects, dispatched 2,420 World Friends Korea (WFK) volunteers to Tanzania, and invited more than 2,000 Tanzanian government officials to South Korea to enhance their capacity and strengthen partnership between our two nations.
Recently, KOICA has supported the Government of Tanzania in improving the quality of Reproductive Maternal, New-born, and Child Health (RMNCH). The goal of RMNCH interventions is to reduce all preventable maternal and new-born deaths in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, and in accordance with the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 and subsequent government national strategic plans such as Health Sector Strategic Plan IV and V (HSSP IV and V) and One Plan II and III.
So far, KOICA has supported a total of 10 projects in the health and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector as follows:
- Improvement of Healthcare Services for Mothers and Newborns in Chanika and Surrounding Areas (2014-2019) with a grant of USD 4.25 million
- Saving Mothers’ and Children’s Lives through Innovative, Sustainable, and Comprehensive Reproductive, Mother, Child and Adolescent Health Services in Tanzania (2014-2019) with a grant of USD 5.65 million
- Health Basket Fund I (2016-2018) with a grant of USD 6.9 million
- Health Basket Fund II (2019-2021) with a grant of USD 7 million
- Maternal Health Improvement Project in Kishapu (2015-2018) with a grant of USD 5 million
- Strengthening Health Systems to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in Simiyu Region, Tanzania (2017-2019) with a grant of USD 4.5 million
- Towards a Cholera Free Nation (2019-2023) with a grant of USD 5 million
- Improved Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare through Strengthening Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Newborn Care (CEmONC) in Dodoma Region (2019-2023) with a grant of USD 6.3 million
- Prevention of Waterborne Diseases through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions in Lindi (2019-2021) with a grant of USD 1.36 million
- Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Itilima (2020-2022) with a grant of USD 1.26 million
Reinforcing education is another priority area of KOICA’s work in Tanzania. KOICA’s focus on education is aligned with the Tanzanian government’s Education Sector Development Plan 2016/17-2020/21, Education and Training Policy (ETP) 2014 and SDGs 2030. Though Tanzania has witnessed remarkable improvements in providing access to basic education, there remain persistent challenges of quality and equity in education, particularly for girls. To assure equal education opportunities for all, and the development of necessary skills for employment, KOICA has been supporting the following programs:
- Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education in Tanzania (2016-2021) with a grant of USD 5.15 million
- Enhancing the Quality of Secondary School Education through a Holistic Approach in Zanzibar, Tanzania (2018-2024) with a grant of USD 10 million
- Education Programme for Results (2020-2023) with a grant of USD 7 million
- Realizing Gender Equality through Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls (2020-2023) with a grant of USD 5 million
- Employment and Skills for Development in Tanzania (2021-2023) with a grant of USD 5.3 million
Enhancing partnership with Tanzania through Korean civil society organizations (CSO) has been another goal of KOICA’s activities in Tanzania for many years. KOICA’s Creative Technology Solutions (CTS) program funded Enuma – a Korean social education-technology company - to develop a tablet-based solution to improve the quality of education for children with limited access to quality education. With the support of KOICA, Enuma has developed and launched an app called “KitKit School” which won the Global Learning XPRIZE in 2019, awarded by Mr. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla. KOICA has also collaborated with Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS), Daekyo Company – a Korean educational information service provider – and Good Neighbors International – a Korean NGO – to produce and broadcast English learning programs on television in Zanzibar. Through this project, Kwarara Media Education Center (KMEC) was established to plan, film, and edit quality visual learning materials to facilitate distance learning in Zanzibar and beyond. Soon after the outbreak of COVID-19, KOICA and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Zanzibar, in collaboration with Good Neighbors International, partnered together to respond to the loss of learning opportunities caused by school closures. Through KMEC, distance learning education content for Tanzanian students was developed, including radio programmes. KOICA distributed solar radios and supplementary books to students in Kijini and Charawe schools, so that they could continue learning at home. To ensure radios contin
Message of Commemorating National Foundation of Republic of Korea
ued to facilitate learning, solar charge systems, named “Solar Cow Kiosks”, were installed in villages for recharging the solar radios without the need to connect to the national electricity grid.
To help Tanzanian government officials strengthen capacity and extend knowledge in various professional, KOICA provides short-term and long-term training programs and scholarships to study in South Korea. KOICA Alumni Association of Tanzania (KOAT), consists of more than 2,000 Tanzanians who studied in Korea with KOICA programs, and is currently implementing community development activities across the country, contributing to making a better Tanzania. This year, KOICA has sent 24 Tanzanian government officials to Korea to pursue master’s degrees in energy, engineering, agro-economy, finance and taxation, fisheries, and development studies.
Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH)
Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH) is a government agency founded in 2006 under the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea. Based on its vision as a global partner to contribute to the advancement of healthcare around the world, KOFIH has promoted international cooperation and upheld humanitarian values by providing grant aids for partner countries including Tanzania, people in disaster-stricken areas across the globe, and migrant workers residing in South Korea.
KOFIH Office in Dar es Salaam was officially opened in 2017 to implement various healthcare projects although KOFIH’s cooperation with Tanzania first started in 2009. KOFIH has dedicated to the improvement of healthcare system in Tanzania and led major projects such as Health System Strengthening project through Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH) promotion in Pwani Province, Hospital Management Technical Support Program for Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) Mloganzila Campus, invitational training programs for healthcare workers called “Dr. LEE Jong-wook Fellowship Program”, training program for biomedical engineers and technicians, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC).
In particular, the main goal of the RMNCH project is to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rate, which contributes to the achievement of SDG 3, through enhancing public health facilities, building capacity of health workers, and conducting medical check-up for local residents, and organizing awareness raising campaigns. Moreover, the MNH Mloganzila project aims to strengthen hospital management and health workforce capacity, help them provide high-quality medical services, and improve healthcare service quality at the national level.
Furthermore, KOFIH has invited 127 Tanzanian clinical experts, health administrators, disease research specialists and high-level officials to South Korea through Dr. LEE Jong-wook Fellowship Program with a goal of strengthening the capacity of healthcare workforce. Another training programs for bio-medical engineers and technicians have nurtured 169 trainees from 108 facilities in their capacity of technical services for medical equipment.
As a contribution to Tanzania’s fight against COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 KOFIH provided MoHCDGEC, MNH Mloganzila and District Hospitals in Pwani Region with USD 134,850 worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical equipment for infectious diseases. This year, it has newly opened invitational training courses on infectious disease response such as epidemiology, diagnosis, policy, and clinical treatment. KOFIH will remain committed to continuing expanding its long-standing cooperation with the Tanzanian Government, including initiating the upcoming healthcare support project in Dodoma and capacity building project for National Public Health Laboratory, which will start in 2021 and 2022 respectively.
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) is the official organization affiliated to the Korean government. It was founded in 1962 and currently has 127 offices in 84 countries all over the world including Tanzania.
KOTRA Dar es Salaam Office was opened on September 6, 2012 and was recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation of the United Republic of Tanzania as the commercial section of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Tanzania. Its main objective is to promote bilateral trade and explore various investment opportunities between our two countries. Trade volume between Korea and Tanzania culminated at USD 375 million in 2014 and recently has remained around USD 200 million, amounting to 198 million USD in 2020 despite COVID-19 pandemic. In the center of such an achievement lie KOTRA’s active trade promotion efforts.
KOTRA conducts market research in local communities to find potential Tanzanian buyers and coordinates business-to-business matchmaking between Korean companies and Tanzanian counterparts, which leads to building their business partnership, network, and mutual trust.
In addition to its market research and market exploration service for Korean companies, KOTRA provides Tanzanian importers with tailored advices and recommendations on products and services originating from South Korea. Through the “BuyKorea” website, local Tanzanian buyers can be easily connected with Korean suppliers. On this platform, when Tanzanian buyers upload their inquiries on the site, Korean sellers who fulfill buyers’ needs and requirements can directly contact Tanzanian buyers, which leads to a direct match-making between Korean businessmen and Tanzanian counterparts. This “BuyKorea” initiative also supports online meetings among interested business partners, which results in further trade and investment opportunities for both countries.
Under the situation where face-to-face business interchanges have become quite difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic, KOTRA is now promoting various “untact businesses” to overcome such limitation. For instance, in July 2021, an in-depth discussion on AfCFTA was held via webinar under the management of the KOTRA African Regional Headquarters to help discuss the impact of AfCFTA on African trade and investment and Korea-Africa cooperation plan. In May-August this year, KOTRA hosted two online business-to-business meetings instead of the usual visit of Korea’s trade delegations to Tanzania, which was normal before COVID-19 pandemic, and as a result, successfully arranged 58 online bilateral business negotiations with their total export consultation value amounting to USD 4.48 million.
As demand on electricity and water supply gradually increases due to rapid economic development in Tanzania, KOTRA has strived to introduce the technology of leading Korean companies specializing in power generation facilities to Tanzania by sharing related information and further endeavored to promote carbon-neutral, eco-friendly, renewable energy technologies as well as clean and safe water management systems.
Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA)
Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA) is a public organization primarily responsible for South Korea’s international cooperation with developing countries by sharing its advanced techniques and experiences in the fields of nation-wide internet development and information security.
KISA African Regional Office was opened in Tanzania on April 1, 2016. Its main goal is to promote mutually-beneficial cooperation and partnership between South Korea and African countries including Tanzania by actively sharing advanced cyber-security experiences and building close cooperation in the cyber security field.
Since its establishment in 2016, the KISA Regional Office has invited ICT officials of the Tanzanian government to visit South Korea to participate in information security expert training programs in Seoul, Korea. Through the invitation programs, experts from Korea and Tanzania have shared their expertise in the information protection sector. In 2017, KISA and Tanzania’s Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication signed a MoU for bilateral cyber security cooperation and held a Korea-Tanzania cyber security business meeting to promote a business partnership between Korean and Tanzanian companies.
In close collaboration with the Tanzanian government, related organizations, and international organizations, KISA focuses on such specific areas as response to cyber incidents, personal data protection, promotion of the cyber-security industry, and establishment of internet infrastructures. To raise awareness on the importance of ICT and Security, KISA has performed trend researches on ICT and security areas and tried to connect Korean companies with the Tanzanian government that has made efforts for establishing a global cyber-partnership.
Recently more and more Korean ICT companies have sought to have a business partnership with Tanzanian counterparts through KISA’s programs. At the same time, under the burden of COVID-19 pandemic, the Tanzanian government has made the effort to provide better public services for citizens through online administration like National Identification and E-document system. To help protect the information of Tanzanian citizens, KISA has provided Korean ICT and security experiences to the National Identification Agency (NIDA) for the benefit of its ID data-processing projects. Moreover, KISA has worked hard on promoting cooperation between Korean Security experts and the Tanzanian government to help Tanzanians use internet easily and protect their properties and information during transactions through E-commerce and Mobile money called M-Pesa.
In the near future, KISA plans to help establish National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) - a verification system for the creation, storage and distribution of digital certificates - in Tanzania, which will be the backbone of national digital defense, and will help, the Tanzanian government conduct its cyber security campaign. KISA hopes that the successful implementation of Tanzania NPKI and the cyber security campaign will greatly improve internet and mobile environment for Tanzanian citizens, thereby helping them be digitally safe in the current era of the 4th industrial revolution and digital transformation