TANSHEQ is ahead of time in professional consultancy

Generating hundreds of billions in revenue a year, for your infor­mation, the consulting industry is among the most lucrative, prestig­ious and quickly-growing sectors in the broader field of professional services.

Many of today’s most recogniza­ble names in consulting entered the public consciousness as pioneers of a bold, analytical approach to man­agement theory.

Consultants are not watchdogs but rather supervisors with an advantage of the third eye on what­ever contracted firm is doing or expect to undertake. They are per­fectionists in other utterances–you can call that.

Tanzania, like any other countries, is a home to different investment and trade. The ongoing country’s strategic development projects such as; Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project (JNHPP), East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), Bus Rapid Tran­sit (BRT), Great Water Project – Mwanza and so on are another plus for attracting more investment.

TANSHEQ provided the services for conducting Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) at the acquisition of mining licenses and opening a coal mining project in Rukwa Region.

In that regard, consulting firms are on the move to help steer the growth of startups or running ven­tures through their vast expertise.

There might be several established consulting firms in the country, but TANSHEQ makes statements of its own. It is a leading consulting firm based in Tanzania with an in-depth knowledge in the area of expertise.

The secret behind their success is based on the fact that it is committed to meeting and exceeding the needs of their clients as well as continually improving professional consulting service.

TANSHEQ services:

Environmental Management

TANSHEQ assesses and miti­gates potential environmental risks and enables the client to respond effectively to current business, reg­ulatory and legal challenges, and to reduce or eliminate future liabilities.

Environmental and social impact assessment

An environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a deci­sion-making tool that predicts the environmental and social conse­quences which future project/inter­vention might entail.

It is carried out before project implementation and proposes measures to minimize, mitigate and/or offset potential negative impacts (threats) and to enhance opportunities (positive impacts).

TANSHEQ formulated a comprehensive service for mining industry also offers an end to end service to mining companies from exploration to mine closure.

In Tanzania the process is regu­lated by the Environmental Man­agement (Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit) (Amend­ment) regulations, 2018 and shall be read as one with the Environment impact Assessment and Audit Regu­lations, 2005 which are the principal regulations.

The regulation classifies the future projects/interventions into three categories taking into consid­eration their magnitude of impacts on the environment. The categories are:

(a) “A” for Mandatory Projects;

(b) “BI” for Borderline Project;

(c) “B2” for non-Mandatory, and

(d) Special Category

Strategic environmental and social assessment

A strategic environmental and social assessment (SESA) is a sys­tematic process for evaluating the environmental implication of a pro­posed policy, plan or programme and provides means for looking at cumulative effects and appropriate­ly addressing them at the earliest stage of decision-making alongside economic and social considerations.

SESA’s process commences with the analysis of the draft proposed policy, plan or programme.

TANSHEQ was appointed to carry out Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for gas distribution pipeline and connection for gas supply to customers in Mkuranga District, Pwani region.

Occupational Health and Safety

TANSHEQ enables their clients to provide a safe and healthy work environment, taking into account inherent risks in their business and specific classes of hazards in their production processes including physical, chemical, biological, and radiological hazards, and specific threats to women.

TANSHEQ takes steps to pre­vent accidents, injury, and diseases associated with work or occurring in the course of work and meet the requirements of certifiable and safety auditable Occupation Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) based on OHSMS 18001 or ISO 45001.

Management of social impacts:

Social capital is crucial for suc­cessful operation of a company. TANSHEQ does the following;

Social Due Diligence:

During financing projects, as per International Finance Corporation (IFC) and/or Equator Principles.

Land Acquisition-Resettlement and Compensation: TANSHEQ offers the best practices for land acquisition which might include: Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), abbreviated resettlement plan, resettlement policy framework and process framework.

Social Impact Assessment (SIA): This is a method of analysing what impact a proposed project or plan may have on the social aspects of the environment. TANSHEQ can do it as a stand-alone report or part of an Environmental Impact Assess­ment (EIA).

Stakeholder Engagement: For projects with significant environ­mental and social impacts and/ or risks, TANSHEQ conducts the ongoing informed consultation and participation process to the affected communities and other stakehold­ers in a structured and culturally appropriate manner.

Grievance Mechanism: TAN­SHEQ establishes a grievance mech­anism designed to receive and facili­tate the resolution of concerns and grievances about the project’s envi­ronmental and social performance. This can be a standalone process or part of a stakeholder engagement.

Management of social impacts:

Managing indigenous people’s issues

Commensurate with the per­formance standard seven of IFC, TANSHEQ can help companies to manage unique environmental and social impacts and risks for indige­nous people.

Cultural heritage impact assess­ment

This aims at protecting cultural heritage from the adverse impacts of the project activities and support its preservation and also promote the equitable sharing of benefits from the use of cultural heritage.

Human rights impacts

Guidance and practical tools for conducting, commissioning, review­ing or monitoring human rights impact assessments of business pro­jects activities.

Local content plan

TANSHEQ prepared a local con­tent plan to meet the requirements of the Mining (Local Content) Regu­lations of 2018 and its amendments of 2019 as well as the Petroleum (Local Content) Regulations of 2017.

Quality management system

TANSHEQ enables their clients to maintain a desired level of quality in a service or products, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or produc­tion.

Specific products offered by TAN­SHEQ in this category includes; developing an effective Quality Management System (QMS) based on ISO 9001, gape analysis, QMS auditing, customized in-house training and assistance in selecting certification bodies.

TANSHEQ Mining Services (TMS)

The mining industry has a special set of requirements which are close­ly intertwined, therefore, it was not just sufficient to assist a company’s mining clients in the acquisition of environmental clearance.

In that regard, TANSHEQ formu­lated a comprehensive service for the mining industry.

The company offers to end servic­es to mining companies from explo­ration to mine closure.

TANSHEQ services range from exploration drilling, feasibility studies, environmental clearance (ESIA), and acquisition and/or amalgamation of mining licences. TANSHEQ also prepares local con­tent plans and process optimization.

Also, waste rock characterization, site monitoring for environmental parameters as well as preparation and implementation of mine closure plan.

TANSHEQ environmental monitor­ing

In order to assess environmental noise, suitable and accurate noise monitoring is essential.

TANSHEQ’s environmental sci­entists use the latest, high-specifi­cation instrumentation in order to accurately determine noise levels.

Also, TANSHEQ can offer mar­ket-leading capability to deliver a range of acoustic based service including baseline noise survey, compliance based noise monitoring, and long-term monitoring using web-enabled instrumentation.

Ambient and flue air monitoring

TANSHEQ can offer expert advice on air quality assessment against national and international air qual­ity standards, across a wide range of industrial, commercial and private developments.

Typical applications

To assess air quality for local authorities in accordance with the environmental management (Air Quality Standards Regulations, 2007, Tanzania Environmental Noise Standards 2007, and IFC Standards).

To measure air quality around an industrial site as a requirement of an ISO 14001 Environmental Manage­ment System or IPPC Permit.

For assisting land developers with planning applications and environmental impact assessment, TANSHEQ’s monitoring and con­sultancy teams can provide a wide range of services such as air quality screening and detailed assessments and nuisance dust monitoring and assessment.

TANSHEQ was tasked to prepare project brief and filling project registration form at the environmental and social impact assessment and development of resettlement action plan for graphite mining in Lindi Region.

Company’s capabilities

TANSHEQ has successfully exe­cuted more than 100 projects in East and South Africa. The company is committed to meeting and exceed­ing the needs of its clients as well as to continually improve professional consulting services by hiring people with verified high skills level, foster­ing a learning environment for the development of employees, advanc­ing the capabilities by sharing indi­vidual experience, enhancing busi­ness system to meet international standards and measuring the pro­gress against smart targets.

TANSHEQ Quality Assurance Process is a preventive process that establishes the correct methodology and standards to provide a quality conducive environment to execute projects.

TANSHEQ flagship projects

These are strategic projects defined by their size, uniqueness, and a level of creativity, technology as well as amount of time which the team put towards their execution.

These projects include the Man­agement of ESHS for construction of hydropower plants. In this pro­ject TANSHEQ offers the following services;

• Preparation of construction contractor environmental and social health and safety man­agement plan (CCESHSMP) and eventually impalement it after approval

• Conduct site inspection to monitor adherence to specifi­cations of ESHS

• Management of non-compli­ances identified during inspec­tion or by owner engineer by issuing corrective and/or pre­ventive action and following up on its implementation

• Reporting

Monitoring of the implementation of Environmental and Social Man­agement Plan (ESMP) and Resettle­ment Action Plan (RAP)-TANROADS

TANSHEQ was engaged by TAN­ROADS to undertake the baseline data collection and monitoring of the implementation of Environ­mental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).

TANSHEQ developed a compre­hensive Community Involvement Plan (CIP) that outlined specific actions and community and stake­holders’ engagement activities.

TANSHEQ scope of works includes;

  • To prepare a detailed pre-pro­ject situation analysis.
  • Develop lost specific mitiga­tion strategies as guided by the ESMP.
  • Monitor the implementation of consolidated ESMPs of the four lots and guide on issues that enhance positive conser­vation outcomes.
  • Monitoring the implementa­tion of approved resettlement action plan (RAP)
  • To undertake external evalu­ation on the performance of approval ESMP and RAP.

Other projects are;

  • Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) for liquid Bioenergy Develop­ment
  • Port rehabilitation, evaluative assessment of environmental
  • Social and resettlement prac­tices and management of the Turkey lll project
  • ICGLR RINR regional certi­fication mechanism (RCM), implementation of water sup­ply and sanitation improve­ment project for Tanga.
  • Monitoring of implemen­tation of environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for EACOP project
  • Environmental and social impact assessment and devel­opment of resettlement action plan for graphite mining
  • Acquisition of mining licenc­es and opening a coal mining project, environmental audit for Bulyanhulu mining
  • Baseline environmental assessment using drones, environmental assessment for vertical exploration drilling and 3D seismic data acquisi­tion
  • Environmental and social assessment for an onshore exploration well
  • Environmental audit offshore drilling activities at Pilipili well
  • The environmental and social impact assessment of the deep Challa project and gas distri­bution pipeline.
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