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The role of policy research in Tanzania’s transformation: Four years under President Samia

A group photo of participants of the Impact Evaluation Training

What you need to know:

  • Tanzania’s development under President Samia Suluhu Hassan has been characterized by research-driv­en decision-making, strategic policy implementation, and a commitment to inclusive growth.

Since President Samia Suluhu Has­san took office in 2021, Tanzania has witnessed significant changes across various sectors. As Tanzania marks four years under the leadership of Pres­ident Samia Suluhu Hassan, the nation reflects on its remarkable progress in economic and social transformation. Strategic policy decisions, guided by robust research and data-driven insights, have been key to this journey.

Her administration has emphasized on the importance of data-driven deci­sion making, placing policy research at the forefront of the country’s develop­ment agenda. At the heart of this trans­formation is the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), an inde­pendent think tank that has played a crucial role in shaping national policies and fostering evidence-based solutions for sustainable development.

The power of policy research and data driven decision making

Since its establishment in 1994, ESRF has been instrumental in shap­ing Tanzania’s long-term development agenda. The think tank’s work has been central to the formulation and review of the country’s national development frameworks, including the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 (TDV 2025) and its subsequent Five-Year Develop­ment Plans (FYDPs). More recently, ESRF has provided critical input into the formulation of Tanzania Devel­opment Vision 2050 (TDV 2050), a roadmap aimed at propelling the coun­try to upper-middle-income status.

Beyond overarching policy frame­works, ESRF’s expertise extends to sector-specific strategies. The foun­dation has been pivotal in shaping the National Export Strategy (NES), designed to enhance Tanzania’s com­petitiveness in global markets. In the energy sector, ESRF worked closely with TANESCO to develop a Stake­holders’ Management Plan for the Julius Nyerere Hydroelectric Power Project (JNHPP), one of Tanzania’s largest infrastructure investments, ensuring smooth execution and com­munity engagement.

Local economic development has also been a focal point for ESRF. The foundation collaborated with regional governments across Tanzania to pre­pare investment guides, uncovering vast opportunities for investors. Addi­tionally, ESRF supported feasibility studies at regional and district levels, paving the way for sustainable eco­nomic growth and job creation.

The government under President Samia has prioritized use of empiri­cal data and research to inform policy decisions. This approach has facili­tated effectiveness of governance, allowing for more targeted interven­tions in health, education, agriculture and infrastructure. Leveraging Data analytics has enabled policymakers to identify pressing issues and allocate resources efficiently.

ESRF research team facilitated a Focus Group Discussion with service providers from Mkongo Village in Ikwiriri, Pwani Region, who supplied fruits and vegetables during the construction of the JNHHP.

Responding to global challenges

Tanzania, like the rest of the world, faced unprecedented challeng­es with the COVID-19 pandemic. ESRF stepped up, conducting critical research to assess the socio-economic impact of the crisis. The think tank spearheaded multiple studies, includ­ing a Rapid Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 in Tanzania, an analysis of macroeconomic policy responses across Africa, and an assess­ment of the pandemic’s impact on agri­culture.

Through these efforts, ESRF pro­vided timely recommendations that helped the government and stake­holders navigate the crisis effectively. Research findings further informed policies that promote economic resil­ience, stimulate local industries and enhance international trade thereby driving sustainable economic growth.

Building capacity, driving digital transformation and social innovation

For over a decade, ESRF has been a leader in capacity-building, equipping Tanzanian professionals with the skills necessary to drive impactful develop­ment.

Through its Impact Evaluation Lab­oratory, the foundation has trained over 200 policymakers, researchers, and government officials, strengthen­ing their ability to conduct rigorous impact evaluations. Graduates of ESRF training programs have gone on to pursue advanced studies at prestigious institutions such as Harvard Univer­sity, the University of Minnesota, and the University of California, Berkeley.

Beyond capacity-building, ESRF has been at the forefront of Tanzania’s dig­ital transformation. The think tank has championed ICT-driven solutions in education, agriculture, and entrepre­neurship, helping Tanzanians adapt to the evolving global economy. Pro­grams like Work Skills for Life and the East Africa Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP) have empowered thousands of young people with digital and entre­preneurial skills, positioning them for success in the fourth industrial revo­lution.

Further, policy research has led to addressing social issues such as gender inequality (the care economy, women and girl’s economic empowerment and overall economic justice and rights), poverty and youth unemployment. This research has been pivotal for the government to implement innovative social policies to empower the mar­ginalized, foster entrepreneurship and improve access to education and healthcare services.

Looking ahead

Tanzania’s development under President Samia Suluhu Hassan has been characterized by research-driv­en decision-making, strategic policy implementation, and a commitment to inclusive growth. ESRF remains a key player in this journey, ensuring that policy formulation is grounded in evidence and aligned with national priorities. As the country continues its path toward long-term prosperity, the role of policy research in shaping Tan­zania’s economic and social landscape cannot be overstated.

As Tanzania moves forward to implement TDV 2050, research and development will be critical in secur­ing a resilient and competitive nation on the regional and global stage. Pri­oritizing data driven decision making by enhancing data accessibility, invest in capacity building of research insti­tution and improve collaboration between researchers and government will enhance policy formulation.

It will be also critical to continue addressing pressing social and envi­ronmental challenges to ensure resil­ient and sustainable future. Finally, the continued investment in policy research will be crucial for Tanzania to realize its Development Vision 2050 government continues.