ACT-Wazalendo warns of GNU exit if conditions not met

ACT- Wazalendo's Vice Chairman and Zanzibar's first Vice President Othman Masoud Othman addresses a rally at Makoba grounds in Bumbwini, Unguja.
Unguja. ACT-Wazalendo's Deputy Chairman and First Vice President of Zanzibar Othman Masoud Othman has issued a stark warning: the party's participation in the Government of National Unity (GNU) isn't unconditional.
Should their specific goals and conditions remain unfulfilled, ACT-Wazalendo will walk away without hesitation.
"Our voice will not be silenced," Othman declared at a recent party rally. "Our duty is to the people, and when the nation's interests are compromised, we have no reason to linger within the GNU."
Addressing concerns about ACT-Wazalendo's criticism of the government while being part of it, Othman clarified, "Our critiques stem not from hostility, but from a commitment to fighting corruption and advocating for positive change."
He added, "Those surprised by our outspokenness fail to grasp our fundamental role: speaking for the people, demanding improvement, and refusing to accept the status quo."
Highlighting the conditions of their GNU entry, Othman emphasised, "We joined with specific goals in mind, goals agreed upon by our members. Their fulfillment, not empty promises, will determine our continued presence." He continued, "We entered the GNU with open eyes and clear intentions. Our exit, should it become necessary, will be equally decisive."
Further distancing ACT-Wazalendo from blanket disapproval, Othman acknowledged, "Not every action within the government reflects the whole entity, no matter how prominent the individual. True governance flourishes through collective decision-making, transparency, and adherence to legal principles."
He hinted at areas where ACT-Wazalendo seeks alternative approaches, stating, "While respecting our colleagues' policies, we hold alternative visions for certain issues. These we will not hesitate to voice, for the people deserve to be informed and empowered."
Othman reiterated their resolute stance, "Our fight for a better Zanzibar continues, whether within or outside the GNU. Those who urge our silence misunderstand our purpose. We entered the GNU not to endorse complacency, but to actively pursue reforms. Our goals are not secrets, and our commitment to them is unwavering."
Othman's remarks come in response to recent accusations from CCM's Khamis Mbeto, who criticized ACT-Wazalendo's vocal criticisms while participating in the government.
ACT-Wazalendo's ultimatum throws the future of the GNU into uncertainty. Will their conditions be met, or will Zanzibar witness a dramatic shift in its political landscape?
During a recent Maalim Seif Sharif memorial conference several speakers pointed out that the current GNU is not practical given the fact that it does not take care of the grassroots politics, instead it is at the top.