Tourists to pay more for hotel accommodation in Zanzibar
Unguja. Tourists and visitors seeking hotel accommodation in Zanzibar are set to pay more in the 2023-24 budgetary proposals tabled on Thursday, June 15, by the minister for finance and planning, Ms Saada Mkuya Salum .
Visitors will have to pay up to Sh12,000 per night in the new changes that have been proposed by the ministry.
Speaking in the House of Representatives Ms Salum said the current $1 (Sh2,320) currently being charged does not reflect the changes and the economic transformations desired by Zanzibar.
She also said the rates currently does not reflect the levels of inflation and the value in the exchange rates.
Visiors sleeping at Five-Star and Five-Star hotels will have to part with $5, whereas those sleeping in three and two-star hotels will pay $4. Visitors sleeping in a single star on unclassified hotels will $2 (Sh4,600), the arrangement also includes AIrBnBs.