Helium One Global uncovers promising helium results in Tai-3 well in Tanzania

In a significant development for Helium One Global Ltd, early results from the Tai-3 well in Tanzania have revealed encouraging helium shows, with readings up to six times the background levels.
This promising outcome was observed in both the Lower Karoo Group and the Basement targets, with the concentration of the inert gas increasing progressively with depth.
This positive trend aligns with the company's initial projections and strengthens the belief in the well's potential.
The Tai-3 well, which has now reached a measured depth of 1,448 meters, successfully encountered a geological Basement, confirming the presence of weathered crystalline formations.
The increased frequency and quality of helium shows with depth have bolstered the company's confidence in the well's ability to yield significant helium deposits.
"We are delighted with the initial results at Tai-3 and it was extremely encouraging to see the helium shows increase with depth, as we had anticipated," said Helium One Global Ltd CEO Lorna Blaisse. "We are pleased to have successfully TD'd safely, and managed to address the minor issues with the rig quickly and efficiently."
In the report, Helium One noted that drilling into the Basement zone revealed a fracture zone with elevated helium readings. However, the company also encountered a loss of drilling mud during this process.
"Given the mud losses encountered once we had reached the fractured Basement, we've decided to TD now so we can minimise any risk to wellbore stability and ensure that we can obtain successful logs and downhole gas samples," explained Blaisse.
"We're very much looking forward to commencing wireline operations and further evaluating the well."
Helium One Global Ltd is now preparing for the next phase of operations, which includes comprehensive maintenance and safety checks. These precautions are essential precursors to the wireline logging and downhole gas sampling that will provide a more detailed evaluation of the well's potential.
The promising results from the Tai-3 well have set a positive tone for Helium One Global Ltd's exploration activities in the region.
The company's forward plan is to complete wireline operations and preliminary interpretations before proceeding with further announcements.
The decision to drill a second well at the Itumbula site will be contingent on the insights gained from the wireline operations at Tai-3.
Helium One Global Ltd's proactive decision to acquire its own drill rig proved to be a strategic move, allowing the company to take control of its drilling destiny in Tanzania and avoid potential delays caused by contractor availability.
This decision highlights the company's commitment to advancing its exploration activities efficiently and effectively.
With its extensive prospecting licenses totaling more than 2,965 km2 across three distinct project areas, Helium One Global Ltd is poised to become a strategic player in resolving the global helium supply shortage.
The company's Rukwa, Balangida, and Eyasi projects are located within rift basins on the margin of the Tanzanian Craton in the north and southwest.
These assets are strategically positioned near surface seeps with helium concentrations ranging up to 10.6 percent He by volume.
Additionally, all Helium One licenses are held on a 100 percent equity basis and are in close proximity to the required infrastructure, further enhancing their potential for successful exploration and development.