CSOs upbeat over new Constitution process revival

Dar es Salaam. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have said they expect the process of getting a new Union Constitution to be revived under President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s leadership.
In a joint statement of condolences and congratulations to the new leader iat a press conference yesterday, over 200 CSOs said they had great faith in President Hassan due to her excellent performance throughout her tenure in various positions she has held.
They noted that in 2014 during the process of drafting a new constitution, President Samia, who was the deputy chairperson of the Constituent Assembly, was at the forefront of leading discussions between citizens, members of the Constituent Assembly and various stakeholders with a view to finding a better constitution.
They said these were some of the things that continue to give them great optimism in her new position as President.
The executive director of Tanzania Constitution Forum, Bob Wangwe said they had faith that the President will use her experience to build an inclusive country to an economically, politically and socially stable society.
“Given Mama Samia’s history in leadership and her cooperation in human rights advocacy, we have no doubt that the new constitution will be one of her priorities and achievements,” he said.
The group said that President Samia has become a major stakeholder in the civil society sector where before entering politics she worked for various organizations at the highest levels, something which gives them great hope.
“It is our hope that as far as her schedule allows, President Samia will give us the opportunity to meet her to find her vision and needs for the best way to develop and strengthen our partnerships,” Mr Wangwe believed.
The Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) coordinator Onesmo Olengurumwa said that due to the history of President Samia, the group is set to strengthen the provision of various services to the community and continue to contribute to the country’s economic growth.
Olengurumwa cited a statement issued by the CSOs in their week of November 7, 2019, indicating that the 16 surveyed organizations had invested Sh236 billion over the three years (2016-2018) in the country.
“We hope to continue to improve and work more closely with the government to ensure that we contribute more to the success of President Samia in boosting the country’s economy,” said Olengurumwa.