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Blue Pearl hotel closed

What you need to know:

Customers were told to vacate the hotel premises because it had been closed down and services were no longer being provided.

Dar es Salaam. Services at the Blue Pearl hotel in Dar es Salaam’s Ubungo suburb have been affected after the owner of the business allegedly failed to pay rent amounting to about Sh6 billion ($3,800,000).

Yesterday afternoon officials from Majembe Auction Mart arrived at the hotel and started taking out furniture and packing them into a lorry.

Customers were told to vacate the hotel premises because it had been closed down and services were no longer being provided.

The executive director of Majembe Auction Mart, Mr Seth Motto, said his organisation was called into action after the management of Ubungo Plaza Ltd, which is the owner of the building, assigned them to carry out the operation.