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Fake bank notes leave Kibaha, Mlandizi traders a tearful lot

A trader at Kibaha Maili Moja in Coast Region, sorrowfully views some of the fake Sh10,000 notes that crooks gave her in the course of mobile banking transactions. PHOTO|JULIETH NGARABALI

What you need to know:

Mailimoja and Malandizi Kibaha were hardest hit areas.

A bar proprietor, Mr Lebul Lebulu said he lost Sh 120,000 after discovering that fake notes were mixed with genuine ones after assessing his daily sales.

Kibaha. Some shopkeepers and mobile money transfer service providers in Coast Region have suffered considerable losses through wide circulation of many fake notes of Sh 10, 000 denomination by crooks who tendered them at shops, entertainment centres during this Christmas and New Year festivities.

Mailimoja and Malandizi Kibaha were hardest hit areas.

A bar proprietor, Mr Lebul Lebulu said he lost Sh 120,000 after discovering that fake notes were mixed with genuine ones after assessing his daily sales.

He explained: “There is wide circulation of fake bank-notes here. I am not the only victim. A few fellow taders have suffered a similar fate. Conmen have sneaked the fake notes into circulation, so the people must be extyra-watchful.”

At Mlandizi, a mobile phone service provider, Mr Hussein Batwel, said on separate occasions, he transacted business with various people at his stall, and when he was closing business, he discovered that six bank-notes of Sh10, 000 denomination were fake, occasioning to him a Sh60,000 loss.

Coast Regional Police Commander Boniveture Mushongi said Kibaha police was holding a young man for questioning in connection with the crime. Commander Mushongi called upon people to report to police whenever they saw fake bank-notes, to facilitate follow-ups.