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Makunga retires from MCL

What you need to know:

For his part, MCL executive editor Bakari Machumu described Mr Makunga as “a walking encyclopaedia as far as MCL history and journalism in the country were concerned.”

Dar es Salaam. Mixed feelings dominated during a farewell party for one of the founders of Mwananchi Communications Ltd (MCL)and seasoned journalist, Mr Theophil Makunga, who has now retired. Mr Makunga, who served MCL since its establishment 15 years ago, was given a warm farewell by the company management and staff on Thursday evening at Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam.

Coincidentally, the party was double-faced: as the company bid him farewell, he was also celebrating his 60th birthday.

At the party, some senior staff expressed the significant role Mr Makunga played in their career paths as journalists and life achievements. Many called him the ever-smiling man who manages crisis times without a panicking.

MCL managing director Francis Nanai said: “This event pains me because of the memories that the staff have about Mr Makunga’s contribution to the company.”

Mr Nanai said during his time, Mr Makunga ensured that only balanced news got published in order to preserve the core mandate of the media profession.

He asked him to consider imparting his knowledge and skills to the younger generation through teaching and other avenues.

For his part, MCL executive editor Bakari Machumu described Mr Makunga as “a walking encyclopaedia as far as MCL history and journalism in the country were concerned.”

He said most of the time when there was a crisis, Mr Makunga was at hand to ease the tension among fellow workers and made them think positively.

The Citizen Daily managing editor Richard Mgamba, who could not hold back his emotions over Makunga’s role to his professional and life achievement, appealed to him to continue offering advice to MCL, particularly as the country was now heading to General Elections. “Even though you are now retired, we still need you as our adviser, particularly, during elections next year,” he said.

Mwananchi managing editor Frank Sanga, said it was Makunga who identified his talent and influenced him to join MCL in 2003 as editor for Mwanaspoti. “One thing that we have failed to learn from him is his ability to keep relaxed even during heightened pressure,” he said.