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Shortage of pilots forcing aviation companies to hire expensive foreigners

Dar es Salaam. The Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) has said that one of the biggest challenge facing the aviation sector was shortage of experts including pilots which forces them to hire expensive staff from abroad

TCAA, Director General, Hamza Johari said this at the 47 International Trade Fair which is ongoing in the city.

"Our companies are forced to poach pilots from other companies which has led to reliance on hiring from outside the country which is expensive," he said.

Noting that TCCIA had started a fund to train pilots where currently they were 10 people undergoing the training.

According to him, the biggest challenge was that a majority of young people don't want to take science subjects and they only hire people with degrees in science.

"Due to this challenge, we have started clubs in schools to encourage people to like science subjects and increase the scope of experts in the aviation sector," he said.

He named the other challenge as the lack of adequate infrastructure for aviation in the country, saying that Tanzania has very few airports that can operate 24 hours.

According to him most airports operate during the day and cannot do so at night because of lack of lighting.

"You are witnesses at some airports cannot work at night including Dodoma airport which can only operate during day time," he said.

Noting that Mwanza operates 24 hours but there is a challenge with its buildings which needs a new one.