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SUA launches English language resource centre

What you need to know:

Targeted benefactors include universities, colleges, schools, banks pension funds, public offices and the hospitality industry.

Morogoro. Sokoine University of Agriculture has launched an English Language Resource Centre (ELRC).

Speaking during the launch, the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) coordinator, Dr Lucy Mlipano Chove, said, “ELRC aims to render language learning and related services to public and private institutions for all ministries and businesses in Morogoro,” she said.

She noted that the targeted benefactors include universities, colleges, schools, banks pension funds, public offices and the hospitality industry.

ELRC director Dr Mohamed Hashim said the learning facility was established after conducting research at five other universities in Africa.

“People have been in dire need of learning English language but have nowhere to go,” said Dr Hashim.

The iAGRI director, Prof David Kraybill, said the government has been encouraging universities to generate their own income and set up fundamental projects.

The director of the Language Studies at SUA, Dr Sotco Komba said the resource centre would help graduates build confidence.