Tanzanian government cautions as excessive rainfalls threaten food security

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa

What you need to know:

  • Prime Minister also urged the citizens to store enough food and avoid its unnecessary use following the destruction of the crops by the floods on the farms.

Dar es Salaam. The government on Friday advised farmers to adopt crops which align with the current weather in which Tanzania is experiencing excessive rainfalls that threaten food security.

East Africa has been hit by torrential rains and floods linked to the El Niño weather phenomenon since last November, causing floods, deaths and displacement of people in some areas.

El Niño, typically associated with rising temperatures, droughts in some parts of the world, and heavy rains in others, is expected to last through April 2024.

Following the heavy rains that continue to fall in various parts Tanzania and destroy crops, Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa called upon farmers to focus on growing crops harmonious to the current weather conditions as well as follow the directives of the extension officers in their areas, to ensure food security in the country.

“The extension officers, for their part, should closely monitor the regular information on the weather trends in the country, to have a wide scope of advising farmers on the right crops to grow in their areas when climate change occurs,” said Mr Majaliwa during his speech to postpone the Parliament on Friday February 16, 2024.

He also urged the citizens to store enough food and avoid its unnecessary use following the destruction of the crops by the floods on the farms.

Mr Majaliwa also directed the Ministry of Works, through the Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroads) and the President’s Office (Reginal and Local Government Administration), through the Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (Tarura), to continue organising themselves and get prepared to face the challenges of road communication disruptions due to heavy rains that continue to fall in the country.

He also directed the Police Force to continue managing the safety of roads and guide motorised vessels to avoid challenges that may arise on roads being damaged by rains.

Mr Majaliwa called upon motorists to take adequate precautions and be patient when they see rainy waters covered roads and bridges to avoid plunging into eroded areas.

Civic polls

During the speech, the Premier also touched on the upcoming elections and directed the President's Office (Reginal and Local Government Administration) to cooperate with various stakeholders in preparations for the forthcoming local government elections.

He encouraged the supervisors of voter register improvements to mobilise the public and provide voter education to all groups in society well in advance.

He said the goal is to reach out all the citizens and enable them to understand the laws, regulations, procedures of the entire election process, their responsibility and the importance of participating in the elections.

Tanzania will hold the election of the local leaders this year but it is yet to announce the date.