UK funding to put 2 million more on clean water supply
What you need to know:
This is courtesy of the United Kingdom and the Tanzania’s ministry of Water who officially launched Sh3.9 billion to support the second phase of the Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme.
Arusha. Over two million rural dwellers will have access to clean water and 300,000 others to improved sanitation by end of next year.
This is courtesy of the United Kingdom and the Tanzania’s ministry of Water who officially launched Sh3.9 billion to support the second phase of the Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme.
Acting head of the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) - Tanzania - Rose Cooper revealed the support at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on implementation of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation sub-Programme taking place at Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge on the outskirts of Arusha.
The sub-sector’s AGM, which brings together all local government and regional water engineers, provides an opportunity for them to review progress, learn from each other and address implementation challenges.
The programme is part of the UK government’s support to Tanzania for it to implement its Big Results Now (BRN) initiative and the second phase of the Water Sector Development Programme (WSDP).
The UK’s five-year investment from 2014 to 2019 will cover the WSDP basket of up to Pounds 67.4 million to support increased delivery of water supply services.
The services will, among other things, see water points constructed and rehabilitated and national sanitation and hygiene campaigns scaled up.
Exemplary local authorities in the timely implementation of the Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme would be awarded Sh140,000 each.
The minister for Water, Prof Jumanne Maghembe, attributed the support to cordial ties that exist between Tanzania and the UK.
He cautioned local authorities over misappropriation of the support.
The UK has since 2012 been intensifying investments in water and sanitation sector to accelerate progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
During the inception, the UK committed to reach at least 60 million people with access to improved water, sanitation and hygiene services by December, next year.
Progress shows it is on track to reach its global commitments, as about 31 million people have been provided with access to improved water, sanitation and hygiene services to date.