Harmonize's efforts to persuade Aziz Ki to extend contract with Yanga

Combined photos of Harmonize and Aziz KI

What you need to know:

  • Harmonize has been actively involved in persuading Burkinabe attacking midfielder Stephane Aziz Ki to sign a new two-year contract with the Young Africans (Yanga) football club, as his current contract is nearing its end.

Dar es Salaam. In the vibrant world of Tanzanian Bongo Fleva, Abdul Rajabu, famously known as Harmonize, has taken on an unusual role, off the stage.

Harmonize has been actively involved in persuading Burkinabe attacking midfielder, Stephane Aziz Ki, to sign a new two-year contract with the Young Africans (Yanga) football club, as his current contract is nearing its end.

Aziz Ki has been a pivotal player for Yanga, not only securing the Golden Boot Award by scoring an impressive 21 goals but also contributing significantly to Yanga’s achievement of winning the Tanzania Mainland Premier League title for the third consecutive year.

His performance has made him a key asset for the team, and retaining him is a top priority.

The opportunity for Harmonize to step in came during a special trophy parade show recently held at the club.

The event celebrated the team’s accomplishments and was attended by fans, members, and players.

It was the perfect setting for Harmonize to make his move.

On stage, Harmonize called out; “Where is Aziz Ki? Come on stage Aziz Ki, I want you to give assurance to Yanga fans and members that you will keep staying at Yanga for another two-year contract.”

As he spoke, Harmonize grasped Aziz Ki’s hand and raised it, displaying a two-finger gesture symbolising the new two-year contract that the player was being urged to sign.

Throughout this public appeal, Aziz Ki maintained a cheerful demeanor, smiling and nodding in agreement with Harmonize’s words.

His positive response was a confident sign for the fans eagerly awaiting his decision.

Besides Aziz Ki, another player, Kouassi Attohoula Yao, was also present on the stage, showing his support for the effort to retain Aziz Ki.

Yao’s presence and endorsement added to the persuasive atmosphere, indicating a unified front within the team.

Harmonize’s involvement in this initiative underscores the close-knit relationship between the world of sports and entertainment in Tanzania.

His effort to convince Aziz Ki not only highlights his influence beyond music, but also highlights his commitment to the success of Yanga.

 The fans and club members now look forward to Aziz Ki’s final decision, optimistic that Harmonize’s heartfelt plea will lead to a positive outcome for the team.