PSG defender Hakimi excited about visiting Tanzania’s tourist attractions with promise to return

Achraf Hakimi in a group photo with Patandi school students.

What you need to know:

  • Hakimi made the comment yesterday after supporting Patandi School for students with special needs in Arusha region, where he donated 50 desktop computers, five laptops, ten projectors, and other educational aids.

Dar es Salaam. Paris Saint-Germain defender Achraf Hakimi expressed his admiration for Tanzania’s tourist attractions and hospitality, promising to return in the future.

Hakimi made the comment yesterday after supporting Patandi School for students with special needs in Arusha region, where he donated 50 desktop computers, five laptops, ten projectors, and other educational aids.

The donation was given through the Achraf Hakimi Foundation of his.

Speaking on a special occasion, Hakimi pledged to build two computer rooms for the school. Complementing his efforts, the GSM Foundation also donated 40 mattresses and beds to the school.

The Moroccan professional football player said he has been captivated by the natural beauty of Tanzania, particularly the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, which are renowned for their stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife.

His experience extended beyond sightseeing as he engaged with the students of Patandi School, emphasising his commitment to social causes.

In an exhibition match with the Patandi school students, Hakimi, along with his management team and Young Africans (Yanga) president Hersi Said, showcased his support and interaction with the local community.

PSG Moroccan defender Achraf Hakimi plays football with Patandi school students. Hakimi, along with his management team and Young Africans (Yanga) president Hersi Said, showcased his support and interaction with the local community. PHOTO | COURTESY

The event highlighted the positive impact of sports and community engagement, bringing joy and inspiration to the students.

Reflecting on his visit, Hakimi shared his excitement and gratitude for the warm reception he received in Tanzania.

"I am very happy to be here on my holiday. I have been amazed with the tour and thrilled too. I promise to come again in the future. I had been here with my national team to play, but not to make a tour… It is amazing… This is the first time for my foundation to get involved in community activities outside my home country of Morocco," Hakimi stated.

Hakimi’s decision to visit Tanzania was influenced by his meeting with Hersi Said in Paris, where he had expressed his desire to explore the country after the football season had ended.

Hersi facilitated the visit, ensuring that Hakimi’s dream of experiencing Tanzania’s unique tourist attractions and contributing to the local community became a reality.

The collaboration between Hakimi and local organizations like the GSM Foundation and Yanga exemplifies the power of international partnerships in driving positive change.

By supporting educational institutions and engaging with communities, Hakimi’s visit underscores the importance of giving back and fostering global connections.

Hakimi’s visit to Tanzania has left a lasting impression, not only on him, but also on the people he interacted with. His promise to return highlights his genuine appreciation for the country and its people.

The contributions made by Hakimi and his foundation will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the students of Patandi School, providing them with better educational resources and opportunities for the future.