Everything begins with loving someone

What you need to know:
- When you truly love someone, you don’t just see them with your eyes; you see them with your soul. You feel their wounds; you carry their pain on your shoulders. And in that moment, you understand that what divides people is not ideas, borders, or colours—it is the absence of love.
For thousands of years, humanity has been fighting. With ideas, with beliefs, with ideologies… We have always struggled to change something. We chase after being right. We speak louder, seek greater truths, and believe that logic, power, and arguments will shape the world. And yet, the world remains the same. Faces change, wars are fought and forgotten, systems collapse and new ones take their place, but the human heart continues to beat with the same loneliness.
Throughout history, people have fought for what they believed in. Some for land, some for faith, some for freedom… But one thing has never changed: People love being right. They love proving their truth, defending their position, winning their battles. Yet, being right has never been enough to change the world. Because without understanding another person, without touching another soul, without truly loving someone, no real transformation is possible.
Perhaps the answer was always right in front of us, but we searched for it in the most complicated questions. In the loudest debates, in the fiercest battles, in the most passionately defended beliefs. And yet, the most powerful and simplest truth was this: It is not righteousness but love that will change the world.
Because everything begins with loving someone.
When you truly love someone, you don’t just see them with your eyes; you see them with your soul. You feel their wounds; you carry their pain on your shoulders. And in that moment, you understand that what divides people is not ideas, borders, or colours—it is the absence of love.
When you love someone, you begin to understand their world. No matter how different, no matter how far… Love allows you to break through your own barriers. It teaches you to see through someone else’s eyes, to feel what they feel. When you love, you don’t judge. You don’t separate. You simply try to understand.
And perhaps this is the only thing that can save the world: Love.
Nothing changes without love
Love is the greatest revolution that can grow within a person. When a child feels safe in their mother’s arms for the first time, when a friend silently shares another’s pain, when two people hold onto each other despite the weight of the world—that is when real change begins.
Wars will not end with treaties signed at negotiation tables. The most powerful weapons will not be silenced by threats or agreements. The only thing that can truly end violence, hatred, and division is the love one person has for another. Because real change does not begin in the mind. It begins in the heart.
If you can truly look into a child's eyes and see them…
If you can understand a person’s fears and hold their hand…
If you can look at a stranger and not see an enemy, but a human being who, once upon a time, was just a child needing love…
Then, something in the world starts to shift.
But we have dismissed love. We have treated it as a weakness.
We wanted to be tough, strong, unshakable.
To protect ourselves, we sacrificed love.
Yet, to love someone is not a sign of weakness. It is the greatest courage.
To love someone with all their flaws, mistakes, and wounds is the greatest strength.
Because without love, nothing can be reborn. But with love, everything can change.
And in the end…
One day, everyone will understand…
That for all these years, we were chasing the wrong things.
That proving ourselves right, speaking the loudest, and making the strictest rules never truly changed anything.
That humanity can only grow with love. It can only heal with love.
One day, everyone will realise…
That we should love as a mother loves her child.
That when we look into another’s eyes, we are seeing a reflection of our own soul.
That every war, every loss, every wound was born from a lack of love.
And perhaps the greatest sorrow is that when we finally understand this, it may be too late.
We will look back and see how many wounds we could have healed with love but instead deepened with harshness.
We will regret the moments when we could have held someone, whispered, "I understand you," but instead chose silence.
But maybe, just maybe, we still have a chance.
Love is still here.
It is waiting for us.
In a child’s laughter, in the weight of a friend’s embrace, in a mother’s prayer, in the quiet understanding of a stranger.
And one day, when we truly learn how to love…
That will be the day the world is reborn.
With Love and Respect,
Burak Anaturk.
Burak Anaturk is a professional civil engineer. He focuses on sharing lessons from his life experiences, exploring diverse perspectives, and discussing personal development topics.
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