Tell me about love

What you need to know:
- Tell me about a love so sacred that it feels like the love you have for your mother—the kind of love where a single glance from her can give you strength, where one word from her can bring you peace. Because the love for a mother is unconditional. Just like real love.
Tell me about love… But not in an ordinary way. Don’t tell me it’s like admiring a flower or enjoying a song that fades with time. Tell me about love in a way that makes it sacred. Like loving your homeland—where even distance only makes the longing stronger, where returning feels like pressing your palms against the earth and inhaling its scent.
What is love? Is it feeling warmth every time you hear a certain name? Is it sensing the absence of someone even in the busiest of days? Or is it knowing someone so deeply—not just their beauty but their weaknesses too—and choosing to stay anyway? Tell me about a love so sacred that it feels like the love you have for your mother—the kind of love where a single glance from her can give you strength, where one word from her can bring you peace. Because the love for a mother is unconditional. Just like real love.
Tell me about love, but not as a fleeting heartbeat. Not as a habit. Tell me about love like a vow, like a belief. Is love trusting in someone’s existence? Is it walking down a street and feeling gratitude for every step they have ever taken there? Or is it seeing a familiar expression in a stranger’s face and feeling your heart clench for a moment?
Love is perhaps the holiest feeling of all. Because love is giving a part of yourself to someone else. It is offering time from your life, breath from your soul, pieces of your being. Love is not just giving your coat when they are cold, but offering them the warmth of your presence. Love is not asking, “What will you do without me?” but whispering, “Even if I am not there, I hope you will still be happy.”
Love is sometimes like belonging to a homeland. No matter how much pain it holds, no matter how many wounds it has given you, you can never abandon it. Even if you are far away, it lingers in your thoughts every day. And when you return, in a single touch, you realize you love it even more than before. A person should love like they love their homeland—so deeply that neither time, nor distance, nor life’s storms can erode that love.
Love is also like the way a mother loves her child. Unquestioning, unyielding, unconditional… To love with a mother’s eyes, to touch with a mother’s hands. To feel their pain without them having to say a word. Because a mother always knows—she hears what is left unspoken. And true love is the same. It is understanding without words, recognizing the storms within them just by looking into their eyes.
But when you tell me about love, tell me about the kind that never fades. The kind that remains even in absence. The love that lingers long after someone is gone, the kind that turns a city into memories, that makes every street corner whisper their name. Love that does not vanish but instead finds a way to live on.
And most of all, tell me about the weight of love. Because love is heavy. Sometimes it is difficult to carry. To love a person, a city, a memory—it can be a burden. There will be days when the love you carry feels too much, when the very thing that brings joy also brings pain. Because sometimes we are not tested by love itself but by its absence. And that is when we realize—love is not just for the good days, but for the darkest nights too.
In the end, tell me one thing: Is love about staying, no matter what?
Is it carrying someone within you, even when they have left?
Is it still praying for them, even when years have passed?
Is love not just about being loved, but about never ceasing to love?
And if love is truly all of this…
Then I am willing to love for a lifetime.
With Love and Respect,
Burak Anaturk.
Burak Anaturk is a professional civil engineer. He focuses on sharing lessons from his life experiences, exploring diverse perspectives, and discussing personal development topics.
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