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Love’s timing: When two souls must grow apart to come together

What you need to know:

  • Before we can truly appreciate the person we will walk through life with, sometimes we must walk alone. To understand the value of love, we first need to experience the absence of it. To recognise true commitment, we must first endure loss.

One of life’s greatest skills is shaping people without them even realising it. It matures us in unexpected ways, completes what is missing, carves us through trials, and eventually brings us face-to-face with the person who truly aligns with our soul. But this encounter is never a coincidence. Sometimes, before two people can come together, they must first grow separately, find themselves, and pass through the tests life has prepared for them.

Love is not just about feeling—it is about understanding, enduring, and accepting the lessons life offers to prepare us for it. Sometimes, we think we are ready for love, but we are not. There are unresolved wounds within us, fears carried from the past, and emotions left incomplete. We meet the wrong people at the wrong times. Those mistakes test us; sometimes they exhaust us, sometimes they break us, but most of all, they help us grow. Because before life brings us the right person, it first shows us what is wrong.

Pain deepens the soul. Every loss may leave an empty space within us, but that space creates room for real love to settle. Hardships teach patience; waiting teaches longing. Before we can truly appreciate the person we will walk through life with, sometimes we must walk alone. To understand the value of love, we first need to experience the absence of it. To recognise true commitment, we must first endure loss.

Sometimes, two people are close yet unable to meet in the way they are meant to. Because they are not ready. Maybe one needs to learn patience, while the other needs to understand forgiveness. Maybe one must first complete themselves, while the other must make peace with their past. Life moulds people before uniting them because an incomplete soul cannot carry the weight of true love. Over time, through the lessons learnt in separate journeys, two people become ready to understand and cherish each other in the deepest way.

And when that moment arrives, everything makes sense. We realise that the mistakes, the heartbreaks, the lost relationships, and the loneliness were all part of the preparation. Perhaps two people had crossed paths before but couldn’t recognise each other. Perhaps they had met at the wrong time and failed to walk the same path. But life is patient. Time works silently to bind two souls in the strongest way possible.

True love is, perhaps, the reward of those who wait. It is the deep, unshakable connection between two souls who have completed their inner journeys and endured life’s trials. A love so strong that no storm can shake it, no hardship can undo it. Because that love is not just a fleeting passion but the product of experience, patience, and inner growth.

Life often separates two people, leading them down different paths to prepare them for each other. What matters is carrying love within us as we go through those journeys, embracing the lessons life teaches us, and, when the time comes, being able to stand before the person meant for us and say, “I am ready.”

With Love and Respect,

Burak Anaturk.

Burak Anaturk is a professional civil engineer. He focuses on sharing lessons from his life experiences, exploring diverse perspectives, and discussing personal development topics.
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