Partners peaking peacock's peculiarities

What you need to know:
- Peacocks figured out long ago that life is about truly living, embracing the adventure, and having a little fun along the way. They seem to live by the motto: You only get one shot, so go big!
As I was considering what to write this week, my personal assistant Jessica Kimaro told me, "Can you think of peacocks? They are so peculiar." Jessica is right. Peafowl are members of the pheasant family. Peacocks have iridescent tail feathers. The word iridescence comes from the Latin and Greek iris, meaning rainbow. In iridescent feathers, a keratin protein in the feather functions as a prism, refracting shorter waves of light to showcase blues, violets, purples, and greens.
You're welcome! Peacocks have a long time ago noticed that life is about living. It’s all for the adventure and having a bit of fun. Peacocks believe that you only get one chance at it. So go big! Go for the good things in life.
When you make it, take a bow and embrace the applause that goes with it because you deserve it. Therefore, you've got to train—that's spreading your tail features and looking wow! Being recognised is a nice feeling, isn’t it?’ Well, that’s how peacocks see it.
Peacocks have suggestive mating displays: You want life to be fun; take your shots well. Peacocks also use trains to attract. Yes, we've got to show our partners, "This is how good I can look. Peacocks spread their tail feathers to attract or seduce their partners. And it's the males that do so. What are your trains? Ladies should perhaps do this more. Beauty is part of life's enjoyment!
Peacocks solve problems dramatically: Peacocks are confident birds with a very friendly attitude. In conflicts, they’re a bit noisy and dramatic. The birds bark more than they bite. Under stress, peacocks can become apologetic and friendly. They will commonly and impliedly say, “I was only joking."
Moreover, peacocks love to solve problems, which is really great. Likely, the conversation will end with a peacock saying, “Let’s forget it and all be friends.” Are you a friend of your spouse or fiance/fiancee? What is your approach to problem-solving?
Peacocks are colourful and fashionable: Ooh yes, peacocks do their stuff. They are colourful and fashionable and have been a source of inspiration for people around the world for ages. We admire them primarily because of their ornamental blue and green tail feathers. Their elaborate iridescent colouration and a large display of tails are just amazing and mind-blowing.
Let's emulate this behaviour. "Fashionable spouses" refers to a couple who are considered stylish or acceptable in their clothing, activities, and the places they go. Clothing displays much about our personalities and who we are. It's one of the most important clues from which first impressions are made. Dressing well brings confidence.
Finally, peacocks have many good characteristics, including their beauty, grace, and the ability to solve problems. As spouses, let's emulate these traits by being expressive, warm, entertaining, cheerful, outgoing, confident, and friendly.
Amani Kyala is a Counsellor, Teacher, and Writer; [email protected]; 0626 512 144.